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One Resolution Down…A Vacation!

One Resolution Down…A Vacation!

January 5, 2011

Today was a very exciting day…we booked a last minute Mexican vacation and we leave in 17 days! Woo hoo! Rachel and I, along with our obliging husbands, will be enjoying the sand and sea of the Mayan Riviera all too soon and I can almost feel the hot sun on my skin! Did I mention it’s all inclusive?? If you remember, a vacation was a priority on my list of goals for this year and I almost can’t believe I’ll be checking it off so soon…so very soon! It’s pretty amazing that our husbands’ work schedules and child care from family members all fell into place so smoothly. In case I haven’t used enough exclamation marks yet, yippee!!! Can’t wait to be swimming here soon…


I’ve had this print by Fifi Duvie in our Etsy favourites for quite some time now and I think it’s a fabulous daily reminder for anyone to get out there and explore the world or to simply find adventure in your everyday life…

Fifi Duvie

Now, our resort looks really amazing but I couldn’t help browsing through these gorgeous villas available for rent around the Mayan Riviera…can you imagine staying in one of them with a huge group of friends? So glamourous and fun!

Mexico Villas by Luxury Retreats

Colourful and Mexican themed items kept catching my eye while browsing Etsy today and I just might have to do a little shopping while we’re down South and bring some little bits of sunshine home with me! Rachel and I also love bringing home remnants of other people’s journeys from the local thrift stores…imagine the stories they could tell!

1. Every Eskimo 2. Tamar 3. Captain Cat 4. Bananastrudel

I love, Love, LOVE the work of Katie Daisy! So much so that I bought the Free to Fly and Wild Air prints to give my sister and my mom for their birthdays last year and her inspirational words tug at my heartstrings every time I look at them. Not to mention her gorgeous illustrations…

Save Our Seas

1. Free to Fly 2. Breezy 3. Teach Love 4. Wild Air

Hope some of these brighten your day or get you dreaming about your next holdiday, whether you’re cozy indoors by the fire or keeping warm closer to the Equator!

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