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Let there be light…

Let there be light…

March 7, 2011

Did your weekend go by as quickly as mine did?  We didn’t get to check everything  off our list like we had hoped but we did squeeze in a few visits with family and friends, which is more important than our list anyways.  Speaking of lists…I’m constantly dreaming about what I’d like my home to look like, what colour would be great in a certain room, or what kind of sofa I need for my living room and on and on.  I’ve been a little stuck on our main bathroom and I think I got a little inspiration from that white brick bath I shared with you the other day.  It’s always nice when something dawns on you, isn’t it?  I’m already tired of the lights I chose…don’t tell my husband.  I went with what I thought was the safe choice instead of what I really wanted. What I wish was hanging in my bathroom would have been a pair of Lewis pendants in white porcelain from Schoolhouse Electric.  The Lewis pendants would give the bathroom so much more character than my safe choice.

Michael Wells via Remodelista

Lighting adds so much more to a home than people realize, obviously there is function but really, it’s all about the looks.   Right? Upgrading old and dated fixtures, especially the ones that give a room that character I mentioned, like chandeliers and pendants, is a sure way to update your home.

Jayson Home & Garden

Don’t play it safe like I did with my bathroom pendants and live to regret it.  Lighting options are endless no matter how tight or loose your budget is.  So, if you come across a fixture you just can’t stop dreaming about, then hunt it down and claim it as your own.  Cast from original, antique cast-iron moulds, Schoolhouse Electric offers an impressive selection of reproduction vintage and antique lighting and definitely that character I’m talking about.

This lovely kitchen is from the home of Jen from Made by Girl.  Believe it or not, this used to be an ordinary kitchen complete with stained oak cabinets.  It’s stunning, don’t you think?  I absolutely love the Hicks pendants, they are certainly jewels in this kitchen.  There might be a few of you out there that cook in a kitchen like Jen’s before picture.  Let her be an inspiration to you.  Wood can be painted.  It is okay to paint wood.

This is such an eclectic mix of all things wonderful, I love everything about Jenna Lyons‘ home living room, especially that smashing chandelier!

Who knew that an ordinary rice paper lantern could look so stunning?  The painted black ceiling and ceiling medallion turn this dining room into something special.  Don’t you think?

McGill Design Group via Flourish Design + Style

It’s quite possible that the light fixture above was not just an ordinary rice paper lantern.  These light fixtures are anything but ordinary. If you aren’t familiar with these iconic statues of light, two out of the three happen to be vintage.  Can you guess which one is which?

1. Norman Copenhagan 2. George Nelson 3. Le Klint

We never installed a light fixture over our kitchen table when we did our renovations.  I wanted to be able to move our table around,  without being held down by a fixed light.  It’s always good to have options.  But now we’re finding that it’s a little too dim for our liking and then I saw this industrial lamp.  It moves where you need light most and has a handy lever to do so.  Problem solved.


This brilliant chandelier is handmade by Jean Pelle.  She has a few variations to choose from in her Etsy shop.  I know someone who has this on their wishlist and I can see why.

Jean Pelle

If you are looking for something truly unique and you are handy, this DIY Branch Pendant fixture I found of Decor8 might be for you.  No one else will have a light quite like it.  Guaranteed.

Enjoy the rest of your day!  Hopefully, it is spent in the sunshine, where ever you are!

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