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Backyard Studios

Backyard Studios

March 24, 2011

The topic of our own studio space has been coming up more and more frequently between Rachel and I. As we shivered through a cold and snowy outdoor photo shoot for the shop, during our many attempted brainstorming sessions while surrounded by hollering children, and especially while packing shop sales on our kitchen tables between homework and dinner preparations. A workspace to combine all of our shop and blogging duties, in all seasons, would be beyond a dream come true. Not to mention the benefit of making a more clear definition between work and family time…I’m all too guilty of taking that last peak at our inbox right before bed!

A large surface for weighing and estimating shipping costs for our products would be divine, as would a wrapping station and computer space for two. Other necessities would be storage for all of our inventory and packing supplies and a designated light and bright corner to take our shop photos in. And a door that locks…

Studio of Mary Kate McDevitt featured on Studio Sweet Studio

Design*Sponge via April and May

Per Gunnarsson

Shane Powers via Decor8

Re-Nest via Sprk

While Rachel and I each have potential space in the unfinished areas of our basements, mine is on the small side and I have high hopes that we’ll be able to finish it into a playroom for the kids by the end of the year. The main thing holding us back is a lack of sufficient storage for all of my husband’s tools and other equipment, which are all taking up valuable real estate in our basement. Before we can attempt any sort of renovation, we have to build a proper shed in our backyard. As I was looking at potential shed designs, I came across these amazing backyard studios and they have really got me thinking outside the box. How great would it be to have a studio space just a few steps away from the house? I’m thinking it would be pretty darn fantastic! Now to decide on who’s property we build it on….oh, and we may have to save up for a few years too!

in.it.studios via Design Milk


You really must see Kelly of High Street Market’s amazing before and after for her charming garden shed…what a transformation! Also be sure to check out her Etsy shop, which is packed with vintage goodies…

High Street Market

McConnell Built via Re-Nest

Design Milk

For those of you who work on home, what are your thoughts? Would you prefer to be within the four walls of your home or to take your work a few steps down the path from your family life? Please share…

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