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Baby’s 1st Christmas

Baby’s 1st Christmas

November 29, 2010

My first Christmas with our twin daughters is a blur to say the least.  I’m so glad I kept a journal so I can look back and dig out memories buried deep from sleep deprivation.   I hardly had enough time to eat and decorating for Christmas just wasn’t on my priority list.  I was certain that newborns probably wouldn’t notice a tree or not.  And I’m sure they’ll understand if it ever comes up.  However, my mom thought that was ridiculous and showed up one day with a bag full of Christmas decorations for my mantle.  There was going to be Christmas in our home after all.  Thank you mom.

These precious treasures are for those wee babies who will be celebrating their very first Christmas this year.  I’m lucky enough to know a few and I thought of them while I searched for these goodies.

This adorable little t is from Wren Willow.  Marla hand dyes and screen prints her very own illustrations.  She has a wide range of illustrations to choose from.  Why not get a shirt for the whole family? My good friend, Vicki, makes these quality reusable bags in all different sizes and shapes.  When you are packing everything but and the kitchen sink into your diaper bag, it’s nice to keep things somewhat organized.  Great for snacks, wet wipes, cosmetics,  they look great and they will last a long, long time.  I love good quality children’s toys a lot.  I’ve often dreamed of owning a little toy shop filled to the brim with good quality toys.  And Mama May I has what I love.  These sweet wooden blocks would be a great gift for a baby to grow into.  They are lovingly made with non-toxic paint and come with a draw string bag.

This handstiched rabbit from Timo Handmade reminds of the Velveteen Rabbit.  With his sweet little jeans and his striped flobby ears, I’m sure he’ll be “real” someday.  For bathtime or mealtime, these cozy cloths will keep your baby clean.  Don’t you love the owls?  I’m a sucker for Waldorf toys and I found these little Bundle Babies especially cute.  You can create your own custom bundle baby, the perfect size for those little hands.  Luis the Raccoon would make a charming keepsake and is just one of the kitschy characters that fill up One Little Red Fox‘s shop.

An adorable little bear hat on a sweet brand new baby.  Could it get any cuter that this?  This woodland creature mobile will beat a mass manufactured mobile any day.  Don’t you think?  Leslie, at Pink Perch, hand stitches all her whimsical, original creations.  Jenn crochets these darling baby boy booties and many more.  You have to see her Marigold Baby Ballet Flats!

Mary Wells creates all sorts of creatures from all sorts of fabrics.  And this little woolen mouse happens to be looking for a home at the moment.  Okay, this little boy takes my breath away.  Isn’t he adorable?  What a great gift a custom portrait would be!  Or how about one or two wobbly bowls for meal times?  There are cups to match and each piece is individually made.  And for those sore gums, this little fawn is made by Little Alouette. And they have plenty more old school cool teethers to choose from.

The portrait sketchings of  Lisa Golightly are featured in this December issue of Martha Stewart Living.  Her work is absolutely stunning and is available on Etsy.  Her custom sketch paintings would make heirloom gifts.  This one is definitely on my Christmas list.

So, there you go… a selection of heirloom and useful gifts for baby.

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