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21 days until December…

21 days until December…

November 9, 2010

No pressure or anything but there’s only 3 more weeks until December!  Are you ready?  Do you have a plan of attack?  My plan every year is to be realistic.  To not buy what isn’t necessary and what will be thrown aside when the season is over.  And this year is no exception.  Most of us seem to be a little tight, money-wise. So it’s only necessary to be a little choosy when it comes to Christmas spending, when we get bombarded with mass marketing to buy, buy, buy.  Not to mention, the environment suffers every time we buy something that won’t last and someone doesn’t want.  Having a plan also means not waiting until the last minute, like I usually do.

On my list is to find or create a few new Christmas decorations.  Like everything else, styles change and things wear out and it’s just time.  Here are a few ideas that I hope bring some holiday cheer to our home and yours as well.

Wreaths are a must-have.  Aren’t they?  I know most of us don’t have grand entrance ways like Martha Stewart but  this greenery could easily be replicated.  If you switched out the urns for sleeker versions, I could see this look flanking a modern entrance and looking just as fabulous.  And the lovely moss wreath would look great on a door just on it’s own.  I took a browse on Etsy and found an assortment of unique yet festive wreaths that will last for many Christmases to come.  Just add a potted evergreen or two and there you go!

beachgrasscottage, Itz Fitz, sdyg, Just Pretty

I don’t have a large home so a little goes a long way.  And I like it that way.  It doesn’t take days and days to bring in the Christmas cheer and it also doesn’t take as long packing it all away again for another year.  Besides our tree, the main stage for our holiday decor is the mantle.  It must be ready for Santa.  For those of you without one, I like this rustic version with a collection of old lanterns and some woolies hung simply.

Canadian House & Home

Vintage canning jars and fallen twigs are the base for this wintery display.  The choice of silver in this example gives off a classy feel.  A colourful selection of Christmas ornaments and figurines would be just as nice.

Canadian House & Home

Using what you have around the home, like a milk glass collection, Grandma’s silver goblets, clear glass floral vases, antique apothecary bottles, empty clay pots, little tin buckets, are just several ideas for vessels.  Then just add whatever you’d like, large quantities of similar items tend to make the look make sense.  Bring in nature, pinecones, branches, and acorns are big right now.  I love the dusting of “snow” in the example below.  And just in case, you don’t have a fireplace, Santa might need a key.

Country Living, Paloma’s Nest, Country Living, Canadian House & Home

I hope that get’s you on your merry way.

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