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Before + After: Gabe’s New Room

Before + After: Gabe’s New Room

October 21, 2013

As promised, I’ve got some Before + After photos of Gabe’s new bedroom! If you’re out of the loop, our home has a 1 bedroom basement suite that we recently took over and it’s been pretty darned amazing to double our living space from 1200 to 2400 square feet! We thought our 10 year old son, Gabe, was ready for a bit more space to hang out with his buddies and study (or simply “chill like a villain”, as he likes to say 🙂 and it just took a little time and elbow grease to get him settled in nicely. Come take a look…

Birch + Bird: Gabe's Room "Before"The “before” and “during” process (all photos by me)

You may remember my boy’s room inspiration post here and here’s another look at my mood “board”…

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "Inspiration"

Gabe is a pretty mature 10-year old and definitely knows what he likes…and what he doesn’t (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree)!  This is a space that he’ll very likely grow into his teen years with so we kept to a mostly black + white scheme with bright pops of colour that can easily be changed with his tastes. He’s been passionate about skateboarding since he was about 2-years old (that canvas painting on the gallery wall was done by him at age 4!) and I’m sure he’ll soon be plastering the walls with posters of his favourite pros but, for now, this is what it looks like (sorry in advance for the dark photos, the day got away on me and I took these after sunset last night)…

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"The “after” photos (all pics by me)

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"

This was a budget room reno all the way and I only bought paint for the walls (it’s Cloud White, not as creamy as it looks in this dim light), I already had fireplace, trim + chalkboard paint, the metal side table ($160 from Spruce…it’s originally from a Spokane, WA hospital!), sheets ($30 from Homesense), desk chair ($35, Spruce Collective)  and some art, also from Spruce Collective (Phrenology head poster, $5, and ship prints, $22 each…all others I already had). My sister and her family recently downsized so we “inherited” the vintage desk and the antique metal bed belonged to my great grandmother. Each of the kids beds have been passed down through my mom’s side of the family which is pretty cool, I think! The laminate floor was existing (not my fave but is in good condition) and I gave the ’70’s mirrored closet doors and bedroom door a quick update with chalkboard paint. Still searching for a good ceiling light and a full-sized duvet cover but making do with what we already had for now. Gotta love a cheap home reno!

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room "After"

Birch + Bird: Gabe's room

And there it is! Hope you liked it and if you’re ever in the neighbourhood on a sunny day, you’ll likely find me here at my perch watching Gabe at the local skate park! We’re hosting The Urban Market this weekend so I’m beyond swamped and will be taking a blogging break for the rest of the week. Hope it’s good to you and I’ll be back to chat soon!

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