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Beautiful Brush Strokes

Beautiful Brush Strokes

May 2, 2012

Well, hello again! How has your week been so far? Mine’s been busy but I feel like I’m keeping up, which is all I can hope for at this point! With less than a month until market day, we’ve had some amazing silent auction items and goody bag contributions generously donated by many of our vendors and other local businesses and I can’t wait to share them all with you! There will be some very lucky shoppers in attendance at our Sneak Peek wine + cheese night and tickets are selling fast so don’t miss out on purchasing yours soon. Some people are just so creative and I’ve been really inspired by all of the store and home visits I’ve made over the past week, seeing the work that others are so passionate about creating. Maybe too inspired as I’ve been thinking a lot about the future and have some big dreams swirling away in my head! Something that Rachel and I already have in the works after Scout, is a new logo design and a fresh look for the blog. Brush script fonts and watercolour accents are something we’re really drawn to (as you can see by our market poster) and I can’t help but noticing them elsewhere in the design world….

EST Magazine via The Daily Imprint

Red Yellow & Blue Ink

Homes & Gardens. Photo by Emma Lee.

Michael Graydon for Canadian House & Home

Clare Elsaesser via Frolic


From Impressionist-style paintings to Asian ink drawings, hand-dyed fabrics and more, brush strokes can add a bold and graphic statement to any room. Whether you’re looking to add more colour to your space or want to keep things neutral, simple DIY art is only a trip to the art store away. Use watercolour paints and paper for more abstract “ink blot” patterns or use leftover latex paint on canvas to create a landscape effect with broad horizontal brush strokes…

Oh Happy Day



West ElmCreature Comforts

Isn’t this glazed ceramic bowl from Ez at Creature Comforts gorgeous? I will definitely be trying this project out…just in time for Mother’s Day too! Have you started planning anything special for your Mom or the other special ladies in your life? A hand painted card or bowl would be just perfect, don’t you think? Made with love, of course! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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