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A Shot of Emerald

A Shot of Emerald

September 21, 2011

What a week…and it’s only Wednesday! This week is only going to get busier as we’re down to the wire with Fieldstone preparations for Saturday. So far, I think that we’re handling the pressure ok although it would be much easier without head colds and sick kids like both Rachel and I coped with over the weekend. But so it goes with back-to-school germs! Ok, I said I’m dealing with the pressure but that’s not entirely true. I’m not freaking out or hyperventilating or anything but I am finding myself avoiding the most important of tasks and instead shifting priorities to totally unimportant things…like searching for the perfect pair of brown leather boots yesterday! Is there a clinical term for this?? Can any of you relate? I realize that I’m only creating additional sleepless nights for myself but somehow finding those boots helped by brain rest a teesy bit from all of my endless lists. And I did find them (at Superstore, of all places!) so at least I know that my outfit is now complete for market day. And I restocked my pantry at the same time, so maybe the 3 hour detour wasn’t so bad after all. Hmmm.

While I was focussing on market prep the other night, I couldn’t help but notice while packing up our wares that we have quite the collection of emerald green treasures. Two metal trolleys, numerous glass bottles and several assorted canisters, to name a few. Emerald green is one of my favourite hues (in fact, Green is my youngest daughter’s middle name) and I love how it brings an organic hit of colour to each of these spaces. I’m thinking my chronically black and grey wardrobe could use a little punch of emerald and that purse is now at the top of my Christmas wish list…did I really just say Christmas?



Style At Home

Via Apartment Therapy. Original source, Veranda via Splendid Sass.

Emily Henderson via HGTV

Canadian House & Home

Pop O’ Colour

Back to my market duties but not before I wish my dad a very Happy Birthday! I can’t believe that you’re 60! But you’re still super young at heart and you are by far the best dad ever! Love you!!!

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