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A Quiet Moment

A Quiet Moment

March 18, 2011

It’s the end of what feels like a very long week to me. After a weekend away with the girls, the never ending sniffles in our house and the time suddenly springing forward, I’ve had a tough time catching up. The kids are on spring break as well, so I haven’t had many (if any) quiet moments. I am so loving the extra daylight time but it’s now Friday and somehow I haven’t checked very much off of my to-do list! My lists have actually been getting me down a little bit lately…so much to do, so little time, as the saying goes. I’ve had a few conversations with friends this week about the fine line between healthy ambition and becoming too busy to enjoy life’s little moments. It seems to be a common struggle with other moms…trying to balance your own goals while nurturing and caring for your family. I think it’s important not to lose yourself in the busyness of life but, on the other hand, you truly cannot do it all so somethings gotta give…or at least be put on hold until the kids are a little bit older. And in the grand scheme of things, much as my little chores and organizational goals will help my own life run smoother, they really don’t matter in comparison to the tragedies occurring in Japan and the rest of the world recently. Sometimes, all it takes is a little perspective to remind us not to sweat the small stuff.

On a lighter note, as promised, here is a glimpse of our thrift finds from last weekend…is the schoolhouse theme too obvious? We’ve had our Market on the brain, as you can tell by our latest treasures, and are so excited that all of our vendor spaces were filled so quickly. The positive response has been so encouraging and we cannot wait to see the turnout on May 28th! Feel free to check out our little market blog to see our lovely vendors and their wares and we’ve set up a Facebook Page as well…

Last night I took the dog for a long walk and got the old endorphins working and noticed that the moon is almost full, which might explain why my household has been extra rowdy the last few days! It felt so good to get outside and walk some of life’s little stresses away. I’ve alway loved inspiring quotes and, although I don’t have a binder covered in doodles of them like I did in high school, I do have Pinterest where I’ve been collecting some new favourites, many found on Etsy. It’s amazing how simple words can be so encouraging…

1. She…by Kobi Yamada 2. Vol.25 3. Mary Kate McDevitt 4. Quotes & Notes

The Wheatfield

Something I need to do more often for myself is to indulge in at least one quiet moment a day. Too often, I multitask while multitasking and it doesn’t benefit anyone, least of all me. Picture me sitting on my stability ball (multi-tasking my abdominal work with computer work) trying to answer shop emails with my 2 year old bouncing on the ball behind me yelling in my ear to sing Justin Bieber’s Baby Baby Ohhhhh! This happens daily but at least it always starts out cute and funny! Anyway, not to be all woe is me…I feel beyond thankful that I’m able to spend this time at home with my little ones and admire with awe the women who balance work with motherhood. But a quiet moment is something we all need once in a while…

Kitka. Photos by Danijela Prujinic.

Hinge Design Studio via Remodelista via Rue

Honey & Jam Photography

Wishing you a weekend full of relaxation and rejuvenation, with a dash of motivation and inspiration mixed in for good measure!

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