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A Little Bit Country…

A Little Bit Country…

June 13, 2012

After I dropped the kids off at school yesterday morning, I put my party cleanup chores on hold and took our dog for a long walk along the dykes on the outskirts of town. It felt great to get outside and just enjoy nature in this beautiful place we call home! Too often, I spend my precious moments of “quiet time” on the computer which doesn’t end up feeling like much of a break at all. Fresh air and catching the odd glimpse of deer, bunnies and soaring eagles is far more refreshing to the soul, wouldn’t you agree? Although I couldn’t be completely tech free (safety first!) so I made sure I snapped a few Instagram photos along the way…

Lily Ellis on Instagram

Each time we have friends and family gather round for a meal, I can’t help but long for a huge harvest table that would comfortably seat at least 10. As the kids are growing, the leaf just doesn’t quite add enough space and we’ve had to butt up a small folding table to fit all of our extended family around. Cozy? Yes, very! Comfortable? Well, it’ll just have to do for now! Flipping through photographer Stacy Van Berkel‘s portfolio the other day, I came across this modern farmhouse with an enviable rustic trestle table. The rest of the home featured in Garden & Gun is pretty amazing too, as I’m sure you’ll agree…

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Designed by architect Ken Pursley, the farmhouse is actually a weekend home (how relaxed would you be come Monday?) built just outside of Chester, South Carolina. Using rustic and humble materials like wood, tin and rope (isn’t that staircase amazing?), this retreat fits in seamlessly with the rest of the surrounding landscape, silos and barns. Built to accommodate the homeowners’ large family and plenty of overnight guests, I love the open plan and it’s modern take on the traditional farmhouse. Each room looks to be flooded with natural light, thanks in part to plenty of windows and oversize doors…

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Between the bunk room and two semipermanent safari tents built by the pond, it’s a wonder that guests would ever leave! ?So much architecture has gotten vanilla, but this is something you?ll remember uniquely to this house,? Pursley says. ?If you grow up here, you?ll always have fond memories of this bunk room nook, of cuddling up and reading a book. I like the idea of creating spaces that leave an emotional impression.?  I can just imagine the lifetime of family memories that could be made here!

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.Garden & Gun. Photo by Stacy Van Berkel.

Just a little field trip to the countryside to get you through until the weekend…is it happy hour yet? Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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