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A Golden Harvest

A Golden Harvest

October 25, 2011

We had what seemed to be an extra long weekend for our family over the last few days. The kids had a pro-D day on Friday and Brad lucked out with a 4-day weekend away from work. It felt great to lounge around a little bit and to get a few projects done around the house, along with a visit out to the pumpkin patch and some quality time with friends and family. I’m trying to tick at least a couple more little projects off of my to-do list before diving in and doing some major painting, making the jump from dusky grey to creamy white for the main floor of our home. I can’t wait but it’s one of those looming projects that I know will take over life for at least a week, likely much longer by the time everything gets settled back into it’s rightful place. But I know that it will feel so great to finally put it behind me and to brighten up our space for the winter months ahead.

With fresh white walls, I’ll be eager to inject seasonal colour into our space and yellow has been at the top of my list for a couple of years now. Mustard, ochre, and goldenrod are some of my favourite variations of the hue and I couldn’t help but notice several trees ablaze in gold on our drive out to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. I especially love yellow in home interiors when combined with raw wood…

Elle Decor

Nube Green

Casa De Valentino

Elle Decor

Charcoal gray, white or cream showcase yellow beautifully, don’t you think? I love the energy that golden tones bring to a space. Whether on a feature wall, decorative accent or incorporated into a statement piece of furniture, one can’t help but notice yellow in a room…

Nest Instinctual Interiors

Centsational Girl

Crafty Blossom via Creature Comforts

Style At Home

West Elm

Better Homes & Gardens

I was lucky enough to purchase an amazing large vintage sign, a yellow metal “E” (for Ellis,) from Nicole of Farm & Found at Fieldstone last month and I can’t wait to find a new home for it on one of my soon-to-be freshly painted walls. With the winter rains fast approaching, I’m thinking that I’ll need to bring as much sunshine indoors as possible!

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