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A Family Beach House + Announcement Time!

A Family Beach House + Announcement Time!

August 9, 2012


Have I kept you hanging for long enough? I believe I have! So, without any further adieu, let me present the next chapter of my life…a bricks and mortar storefront! Spruce Collective is the collaboration between Kevi, Monica, Jessica, Elisa and myself and we couldn’t be more excited!!! A retail shop full of all things vintage and well loved, handmade goods from local artisans, our favourite new products, a certain line of paint (to be announced!) and creative classes for all! We cannot wait to dig in and get started and have so many big plans that I am just itching to share with you. Spruce will open early this fall (eek!) in Downtown Abbotsford and we have a lot to do before then, although most of it is fun…once we get all of the boring but oh-so-necessary business bits behind us. I am beyond thrilled to partner up with these amazing ladies! Rachel and I have worked with each of them at our past markets and, between us, we are just bursting at the seams with excitement and creative ideas. Can you tell I’m freaking out? Because I really am! This is a huge dream come true for me and although it’s happening crazy fast (and was something I wouldn’t have thought was even remotely possible until just over a month ago), opportunity knocked and the details have all just fallen into place. Obviously, I’m scared to death too but am confident that this leap of faith is just the next step to something amazing for ourselves and for the community. Our logo and website are being “spruced” up (hehe) as we speak but for now you can stay tuned on our shiny new Facebook page…and I’ll be sharing lots here too, of course!

Shall we all just take a deep breath now? Something I have to keep reminding myself to do a lot more these days…my kids think I’m nuts everytime I drive past our new shop and scream! I wonder when I’ll stop doing that?

Totally changing the subject, this Australian home is the perfect mix of family fun and beachy relaxation. Located in Byron Bay, it combines indoor and outdoor living seamlessly with plenty of well thought out spaces for grown ups and children alike. And I’m pretty sure my son will be requesting to have an identical skate ramp built immediately in our own backyard…

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Photographed by Prue Ruscoe for Inside Out. Styled by Shannon Fricke

Such a great home, isn’t it? You can see more photos over on HomeLife, here. Back to my original train of thought though…it sure feels great to finally be able to share my big adventure with you all!  How about you…have you ever taken a leap of faith with business, life or love? Please share because I would truly love to hear! Rachel and her family are off on their own big adventure in Florida now and I’ve had many an envious thought about the big chances that they took to make it happen. My thought is, we only have one shot at this life we’ve been blessed with and, while we can’t control everything, we can choose to follow a lot of the paths that open up along the way. If we can get past our fears, that is! Dream big…you never know what can happen 🙂


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