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A Bright Norwegian House Tour

A Bright Norwegian House Tour

March 8, 2012

Hello Thursday! Well, I survived the past few days of no school (teacher’s strike) and the kids are back in class today and tomorrow, only to be off for another two weeks of Spring Break starting Monday…ahhh! I’m feeling sorely under prepared for so much “together” time and will be researching activities at our local rec centre and praying for endless sunshine asap! I have a few too many friends escaping to beaches and coconuts for my liking but will keep my mind off of it by entertaining my brood and enjoying light-filled spaces like this one…

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Featured in this month’s Elle Decoration Norge, this is the Norwegian home of Silje Aune Eriksen, an extremely talented ceramic designer who’s work has been featured in several large publications. The neon pink kitchen stool first caught my eye on Pinterest yesterday morning and I came across more of the home tour over at April & May later last night…what an amazing space!

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Aren’t Silje’s ceramics beautiful? I especially love the cupcake holders and milk carton shaped pitchers and think they look stunning grouped on these floor to ceiling display shelves, don’t you? Oh, those shelves. Oh, those beams. Not to mention, oh, those windows! Feeling some major love for this home…

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

This home is the perfect example of how effective little pops of colour can be against a neutral backdrop. My first impression was that this was a bright and colour-filled space but, while it is flooded with some fantastic natural light, the only colour comes from a smattering of bold knick knacks, textiles, that great pink stool, storage boxes, pyjamas  and the kitchen light cord…oh, and some pink washi tape! Each of these could easily be switched or painted out with a different hue for an affordable and instant change of mood….it’s all in the details sometimes!

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

Elle Decoration. Photos by Trine Thorsen. Styling by Kirsten Visdal.

A neutral backdrop may be “safe” but it doesn’t need to be boring, as Silje has proved here. It’s not often that I’m drawn to neon (and it’s not something that I’ll likely bring into my own home anytime soon) but I do love seeing a space that can rock it like this! What are your thoughts on fluorescents…bad ’80’s flash backs or young, fun and fresh? Please share!





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