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Holiday Gift Guide…for the family.

Holiday Gift Guide…for the family.

November 5, 2010

If you haven’t already started, it’s probably time to start thinking about Christmas shopping.  It’s only 3.5 weeks until the Christmas decorations go up in our house and I hope to be finished my shopping by then.  I’ve started a list and I’m stuck on a few that tend to be a little more difficult to buy for.  Do you find this?  Well, here’s a sampling of gifts I found on Etsy today that might help.  Something for everyone, I hope.

Ladies first…We just found the lovely and talented Gennine this week, by fluke actually.  And instantly fell in love with her colourful and whimsical watercolours.  This print is just one of my favourites.  I’ve had my eye on this bag for awhile.  Tippy of Tippy Thai, makes all sorts of bags and I’m sure you’ll find at least one or two or three that would make someone really happy.  What about this brass Harvest Moon necklace?  If you are looking for a beautiful, subtle and affordable piece of handmade jewelry, then stop by Len & Len.  Scarves are pretty trendy right now, and I just love this one.  There are plenty more at Periay.

On to the men…I’m pretty certain that iPads will be on many Christmas lists this year.  An iPad sleeve is almost a necessity and my favourite is from Lemonstory.  For those of you with a little bigger budget and on the lookout for a unique timpiece, you really need to stop by Revolt70.  These felted pebble soaps would make great stocking stuffers.  A new version of the soap on the rope my dad used to get.  Sofino‘s soaps are so lovely, you might not even want to use them.  For the men who still write things down, or love to doodle, a coptic bound linen journal might help bring out their creative side.  Visit Paperiaarre for more selection.

I’ve got two little girls who are just coming down from the high of Halloween.  And now they are asking me daily, how many more sleeps there are until Christmas.  They already have a list and one just asked for a canoe!  I don’t know if we’ll pull that one off.  These selections are a little more realistic.  Little & the Girl create heirloom silhouettes.  A personalized gift that I’m sure she’ll appreciate in years to come.  This sweet little bunny plushie needs a new home and so do many of her other plushie friends at Zygopsyche.  What about a tutuWhimsy Pie has a rainbow of tutus for you to choose from and I just might order a couple today.  Curly Valentine has a lovely collection of felt hair clips for big girls and small.

And last but not least, for the boys, I found these awesome Superhero Shoe Wings that would go well with a Superhero capeSmallfly makes the wings in all sorts of colours and there are lightning bolts too.  A classic set of Dominoes from La Brocanterie, perhaps?  And if you happen to have someone with a newborn in the works, this little honey bear hat is so very sweet.  You really need to stop by Bluebird’s Boutique to see all her sleepy models.  And this retro bowling set from Little Sapling Toys is a classic.

Where are you doing your Christmas shopping this year?

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