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Wrap it up…

Wrap it up…

November 23, 2010

Brrrr…it’s cold.  The weather man said we can expect the wind chill temperature to feel like -20 today.  I can’t help but think about how lucky I am to have a roof over my head to keep my bones warm.  I’m so not prepared for this cold, I never am to be honest.  I think I was really meant to live in the tropics.

Lily and I have been honing our gift wrapping skills for the past 5.5 months.  We’ve packed up 209 parcels for our shop to date.  Isn’t that so great?  We are blessed.  And I think wrapping is one of our favourite things to do.  Now with Christmas shopping on the to-do list, it might be a good time to think about how you’ll wrap up all those precious gifts.  Lover of all things wrapped in brown paper,  Knot & Bow has a great assortment of gift wrapping supplies.  My favourite gift wrapping embellishment this season is Bakery Twine and to make things even easier they have wrapping kits ready to go.

You don’t really need to spend a whole lot on wrapping supplies.  Look around your home, I’m quite sure you have more than enough to get you through.  If you have a large pile of your children’s art like I do, why not use it as gift wrap.  The lovely Danni from oh hello friend, carefully wrapped up these packages with bits and pieces that you might have in your craft closet.  Leftover ribbons, lace and vintage fabric make packages look too pretty to open.  I also love the modern look of these paint chip gift tags from Real Simple.

Old newspapers, large book pages and vintage maps all make interesting gift wrapFuroshiki , the art of Japanese gift wrapping is something I would love to learn some day.  This flowering tower of presents is wrapped in paper that was photo-copied from fabric but you certainly could use leftover fabric.

I love brown paper too.  Kraft paper is a good base to start with and it’s fully recycleable unlike some of the traditional Christmas wrap.  With embellishments you can keep it simple or take it to the next level with old book pages, buttons, ribbon and twine.

I came across the Rifle Paper Co. the other day and I fell in love Anna Bond’s whimsical illustrations.  She has many to choose from including their sweet 12 Days of Christmas card.   How great is the custom illustrated family Christmas card?  A unique spin on the popular photo cards.  Or if you are pressed for time, these Santa postcards would certainly put a smile on someone’s face.  All her beautiful cards are worthy of framing, don’t you think?  And I just had to include this example of her amazing wedding invitation sets.  If you are planning a wedding, I urge you to stop by.

Get all your wrapping supplies in order now just in case you find yourself wrapping Christmas presents late Christmas eve.

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