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Welcome to My House…

Welcome to My House…

March 2, 2012

Well, as promised, here are some extra photos of my home, taken by the ever-talented Janis Nicolay who very kindly sent them out and they were featured on HGTV Canada‘s blog this week. We first “met” Janis through her encouraging comments here on Birch + Bird when we first started out (her blog, Pinecone Camp, is always a visual treat of homemade recipes, outings around Vancouver or recent photo shoots that she’s been on) and we met in person at our first market, The Old School Market, last Spring. After a few more visits and get-together’s, (I’ll speak for Rachel and say) we feel pretty lucky to call her a friend! Not only can she capture a home’s finest moments on camera, but Janis is also one of the most down-to-earth people I’ve met in a while and I love hearing her point of view on this, that and the everyday. We had a great time on this shoot, as my girls played hide-and-seek around her tripod, and thankfully the sun was shining on this cold January day…

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

As you can clearly see, I have a penchant for green and I’m a sucker for animals and for a whole lot of vintage! Lucky for me, my husband Brad doesn’t usually seem to mind when I change things around (unless it’s midnight and we’re on the third try of a new furniture layout) and he is very much a handyman when it comes to just about anything. You can read more about my decorating “style” and how our home decor has evolved over in my HGTV interview with Elana Safronski. Sorry, it’s a little bit wordy…I tend to ramble on sometimes, but you know that already…

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

I’ve done my best to let the kids make choices in their rooms and express themselves, although I do draw the line at Disney princess sheets and fluorescent green walls…mean mommy! Gabe’s chalkboard wall was a recent addition just before Christmas and it’s been a hit with adults and children alike…can you tell? I don’t know if there’s even an inch of space to write on it these days…

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Our two girls, Sadie and Lilah, share a room and it was a bit of a challenge finding just the right pink. They’re both redheads (as you can see below) and bubblegum pink just doesn’t cut it with their complexion. Happily, I came across Benjamin Moore’s Boudoir (the link photo looks very beige on my computer screen) which was just the right shade of antique pink to keep my girly-girls happy…

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Our room is in the back North-facing corner of our house and I did my best to brighten it up and bring in some fun pattern and texture. I must say that Brad couldn’t resist more than a few eye-rolls as I kept hammering away and adding frame after frame to the photo collage! Now that I look at it on film though, I think I see a few more blank spaces…

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo byJanis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo byJanis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Photo by Janis Nicolay for HGTV Canada

Oddly enough, for someone who voyeuristically shares images of other people’s homes several times a week, I feel pretty sheepish sharing so many of my own! Definitely biting my tongue to keep from pointing out what’s not “done” and what we hope to change soon. Silly me! It’s our happy family home and we love it to bits. Thanks so much to Janis for the gorgeous pics and to HGTV for the feature…it was by far the highlight of my week month! Have a great weekend!

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