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Week + End: Links to Love + Tunes to Play

Week + End: Links to Love + Tunes to Play

June 28, 2013

Another busy week has flown by and the kids are officially out of school…no more lunches to make, hooray! Now it’s time to gear up for the busy summer ahead and I’m feeling rather underprepared. I do have the kids signed up for a couple of day camps (didn’t want to pack in too many activities…we enjoy our lazy home days!) but it would be nice to have at least a few more scheduled family day trips on the calendar. I haven’t had much time cruise Pinterest or my fave blogs but here are a few lovely links that caught my eye…

1. Love me some bentwood chairs! These pastel dipped ones are so fresh and happy:

Hally’s, Parsons Green, London via Petite Passport. Photo by Helen Cathcart.

2. True story:

Dreams Don’t Work Print

3. Speaking of working hard, we got to take a little break and get our pictures snapped by Mikaela Ruth last week…it was fun/awkward 🙂

Mikaela Ruth Photography

4. It’s Canada Day on Monday…a festive picnic like this would be a great way to celebrate!

Creature Comforts

5. I love everything about Elizbeth Mayville’s paintings:

Elizabeth Mayville

6. I’ll be trying my hand at product shots for the shop this weekend and these colour pots are bright inspiration for our paint line:

Oh My Little Dears via Creature Comforts

It’s a long weekend for us Canadians…hurray! I’ll be on my lonesome as Brad is taking the kids to visit his parents up at the family cabin but, much as I’ll miss them, I must admit that I’m stoked to spend a few days alone at home…I think that’s only ever happened once in my 10 years as a mama! I’ll be giving my house a good clean today so as not to be distracted by any dust bunnies while they’re gone 🙂 And I do have a few closets to purge and quite possibly a brick chimney to paint…wish me luck!

Here are some tunes that I’ll be cranking while I get organized:

  1. Vance Joy : Riptide
  2. Lorde : Royals
  3. Noah and the Whale : Heart of Nowhere
  4. Lord Huron : The Stranger
  5. Daughter : Youth

Have a great weekend!

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