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Week + End: Links to Love + Fresh Tunes

Week + End: Links to Love + Fresh Tunes

May 10, 2013

How is it Friday again, already? Jeepers. How was your week? Ours was busy but sun-filled and I can’t complain. It’s Mother’s Day this weekend…what plans do you have in the works? We’ll be pretty low key over here, spending time with both of our families, and the kids have some top secret projects in the works at school. I’ve got a preschool tea party with Lilah this morning before I head off to the shop and it’s bound to be adorable 🙂 As promised, here are my top links of the week plus some tunes for the weekend…

1. These Mother’s Day printables by Striped Cat Studio would make any mama smile on Sunday morning:

Striped Cat Studio for Studio DIY

2. The entire May/June 2013 edition of Rue is devoted to the Pacific Northwest, YAY! So many great features, including this outdoor picnic, as well as a great tour of Vancouver shops and much more…

Rue. Photo by Julie Harmsen. Styling by Hens & Chicks Collective.

3. This entire cabin makeover is to-die-for, especially the kitchen. Seriously. My dream getaway:

Smitten Studio via A Cup of Jo

4. Loving everything about this pic, especially the pile of new pillows:

My Cakies

5. This Kentucky Derby themed wedding shoot is pretty near perfect in my books! My childhood friends would laugh…I’ve always fallen hard for horses! (While most had Kirk Cameron posters on their walls…um, I had Palominos and Arabians!) :

Ali Harper and Blue-Eyed Yonder via Snippet & Ink

As I’ve mentioned before, I love finding new music (as in not Top 40) and great apps like Songza and Shazam make it all the easier these days. I’m also a huge fan of NoiseTrade, where artists share their latest EP’s and it’s FREE! So great. Here are some tunes that I have on current rotation, hope you like them! Happy Weekend!

  1. Among Savages: In the Nighttime
  2. Empire of the Sun: Walking on a Dream
  3. Churchill: Lock Your Heart Down
  4. Boy: Little Numbers
  5. American Authors: Believer
  6. Freedom Fry: Friends + Enemies
  7. Paper Route: You + I
  8. Rah Rah: Art & a Wife
  9. Walk Off the Earth: Red Hands
  10. Wild Country: Wake Owl

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