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Week + End: A BIG Event and Links to Love

Week + End: A BIG Event and Links to Love

November 8, 2013

Hi there! How’s your week been? Good? Bad? Somewhere in-between? To be honest, mine’s been on the lower end of in-between, mainly because I’ve just got too much on the go. Between Christmas, The Urban Market and and several other fun events, we’ve got a tonne going on over at the shop. While it’s all manageable, I have had to miss out on a few school events this week and that darn mommy-guilt is quick to rise sometimes. I cannot do it all (there, I said it!) and often feel like I’m slacking in other areas of my life (mainly friends + family + fitness) while putting so much energy into the store. That being said, I love what I do and honestly believe that I’m setting a great example to my kiddos about working hard to create something of value. Life is a juggle, no matter what career or parenting path you take and some weeks all come down to survival of the fittest so I’d better keep up with my workouts 🙂 But enough about me, here are some links to love this week and an exciting event at West Elm Market:

1. West Elm Market invited me + my Spruce Collective girls to do a vintage pop-up shop this weekend (how cool is that?!?) so if you’re in Vancouver, be sure to stop by and say hello this Sunday between 10-4pm, wahoo!

Birch + Bird: Spruce Collective Vintage Pop-Up Shop at West Elm Market. Photo by Mikaela Ruth.Spruce Collective vintage pop-up shop at West Elm Market. Photo by  Mikaela Ruth.

2. I love a good party favour and these Sea salt DIY‘s are too darling not to try:

Birch + Bird: Sea salt favours by Best Day EverSea salt DIY favours by Best Day Ever

3. I spotted Jamie Oliver’s new restaurant, Jamie’s Trattoria, over on Bright.Bazaar and am absolutely loving the eclectic and deconstructed design by Blacksheep, especially the unexpected pop art touches:

Birch + Bird: Jaimie Oliver's Trattoria. Interior Design by Blacksheep.Jamie’s Trattoria. Interior design by Blacksheep via Bright.Bazaar.

4. Sarah Samuel‘s new living room is a really great mix of mid-century and new. Especially loving that rug + the fun flamingo print!

Birch + Bird: Living room of Smitten StudioSmitten Studio

5. This constellation runner DIY looks looks like a challenge for this non-sewer but is so beautiful, I might just be tempted to pick up a needle + thread. Maybe. One day. When I actually have time for a hobby. Sniff.

Birch + Bird: Constellation Runner DIY via Design*Sponge.Design*Sponge

What are your plans this weekend? Please say sleeping in and relaxing. I’ll live vicariously through you! My days are full: styling a barn this morning, a wedding tonight, hosting a brunch in said barn early tomorrow, our West Elm event on Sunday and a birthday party later that evening, phew! I’m very thankful for Remembrance Day on Monday (in more ways than one) and will be offering bribes to all children who let me sleep in that morning! Stressful weeks call for constant tunes (in my car, anyway) so here are some regulars on my playlist this week. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll be back to chat on Wednesday! x

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