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Warm + Bright in Sydney

Warm + Bright in Sydney

May 14, 2012

Phew, what a weekend! Did yours go by as quickly as mine did? The sun was shining and it was beautifully hot for Mother’s Day yesterday . I can’t say that it was super relaxing as we hosted 15 people (both of our families) for lunch, but it felt so great to spend the afternoon on our patio celebrating our moms and grandmothers while soaking in some much needed rays.  On Saturday night, we were treated to a fun evening out by some dear friends which included a limo ride (ooh la la!), a cooking class by Chef Dez at Lepp Farm Market and a yummy pastry demo by Tina of The Pink Spatula. I don’t think we were the ideal students…we get pretty chatty when wine is involved…but it was a really great time with some wonderful friends! How was your weekend? Did you get breakfast in bed or have a chance to spend time with your mama? Hopefully you got the same dose of sunshine that we had! Speaking of warm and bright, take a peek around this gorgeous apartment in Sydney, Australia….

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

I can’t get enough of all of the gorgeous rugs, red accents and warm wood furniture throughout and I’m pretty sure I could handle curling up on that window seat with a good book for hours at a time! It’s hard to believe that it’s only a two bedroom apartment, isn’t it? Belonging to Vanessa Steele and Peter Braig, it is “One of just a handful of boutique apartments in a building known as ?La Granada? in Sydney?s leafy Bellevue Hill neighbourhood…Tucked at the back of the block on the ground level, and opening out onto a leafy patio, it?s wonderfully private, and with windows on all sides, it feels more like a house than an apartment.” City living at it’s finest, I would say!

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

The Design Files. Photo by Felix Forest.

This looks like one very happy and liveable home, wouldn’t you agree? I feel so very blessed by my mom and the many other amazing women who bring so much joy and warmth to my life! My mom has always encouraged me in all of my creative endeavours, has supported me in countless ways and has helped us with the kids soooo much. My sister is also a huge part of our lives and I am so excited to say that I’ll be an Auntie sometime in December! Becky and her husband are expecting their first bambino and I’m so happy to see them move into this next phase of life. Hurray for the moms, moms-to-be and amazing aunties everywhere!





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