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Vintage Modern: Living Light in San Francisco

Vintage Modern: Living Light in San Francisco

April 30, 2014

As I’ve been packing up our house for our move in two weeks, I can’t help but see the truth behind the saying Less is More. Although I do have a few “treasures”, I tend to hold possessions very loosely and am not overly sentimental when it comes to things. (Admittedly, having a store makes this very easy {too easy, sometimes!} enabling me to swap vintage finds when something new and shiny catches my eye 🙂 However, having kids (or a busy life for that matter!) means extra clutter, some of it necessary but most of it is just, well, clutter. And the amount of energy I’ve been putting into sorting through such unnecessary clutter is truly a life lesson. William Morris’ quote, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful” has come to mind numerous times and is definitely something I’ll be putting into effect as we make purchases for our new home. I absolutely love seeing spaces that look like they’ve come together over time rather than a one-stop-shop at the latest big box store and this flat belonging to Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes is the perfect example:

Living room. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.All photos by Colin Price for This is Brick + Mortar. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes.

Kitchen. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.

Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.All photos by Colin Price for This is Brick + Mortar. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes.

Blue couch. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.

Bedroom. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.All photos by Colin Price for This is Brick + Mortar. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes.

Patio. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes via This is Brick + Mortar. Photo by Colin Price.All photos by Colin Price for This is Brick + Mortar. Home of Kate Davison + Jesse Hayes.

Simple, stylish yet totally liveable, right? Located is The Mission district of San Francisco, I just love how Kate + Jesse combined mid-century pieces with family heirlooms, vintage books and the odd quirky bit of art. The overall effect is comfortable and relaxed with just the right amount of personality, don’t you think? And while I’d happily put my feet up on that couch and enjoy a cocktail or two on that couch, it’s high time I make an appearance at work so off to the shop I go! Hope you’re having a great week so far 🙂

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