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Vintage maps, atlases, and globes…

Vintage maps, atlases, and globes…

October 6, 2010

I’m not really sure why, but Lily and I have a thing for vintage maps.  Maybe it’s because of their vibrant colours or curvy lines.  Or maybe it’s just because they remind us of the places we’ve been or the places we’d love to escape to.  Nonetheless, maps and globes are a great way to add a burst of colour or a graphic punch to almost any room.

Maps are showing up everywhere in design, in many shapes and forms.  Besides the classic globe which will always have a place in my home, I’d love to get my hands on an old school educational map, like the ones the treasure hunters at threepotatofour seem to so easily find.  This stylish globe with a mid century flair is from Opendoor Studio.  Don’t you just love the colour?  Or if you’d like something a little different and maybe a bit less on the vintagey side, Marnie at Crafterall handcuts custom topographical maps that are so very fabulous.  What a great way to remember an adventurous holiday.

1.  threepotatofourshop 2. Opendoor Studio 3. Crafterall

For those wanting an affordable statement for a wall or two, why not take a look around Etsy? There are plenty of options there; antique maps, vintage atlas book pages, street maps, all just in need of a frame and a home. Or you could test your patience and try your hand at thrifting.  Neryl Walker happened to find an educational map chart while on a thrift adventure, which would be the best find ever!  The thrill just might last for months.  And there’s always the world wide web, with a bit of searching you might come across something like this stunning reproduction of an antique slate globe for the ultimate test of geographical knowledge.  This striking example is from the collection of Michele Varian, another shop I dream of visiting one day.

4.  Neryl Walker 5.  Michele Varian

Fellow Canadians, Daniel and Valeria from Hindsvik, always have the best treasures and I just love their moon globe.  Let me know if you ever come across one of these.  Lastly, Restoration Hardware has an impressive selection of reproduction maps, although they tend to be on the pricey side of one’s budget.  Their military chalkboard map pulls at my map loving heart.  I wonder if they have a Canadian version.

6.  Hindsvik 7.   Restoration Hardware

Have you ever come across such a great geographical find?  We’d love to hear the story, especially if it’s adventurous.

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