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The Heart of the Home

The Heart of the Home

May 9, 2011

How was your weekend? If you’re a mom, did you get spoiled with breakfast in bed and at least a few moments to yourself? I feel very rested and blessed by my own family. We spent Saturday afternoon with Brad’s family at his brother’s house in White Rock and then he was off to the hockey game with his boss and work crew. My parents had asked to take the kids for a sleepover (they’d planned one last weekend but it was rudely interrupted by the stomach flu) so I enjoyed the rare occurrence of having the house to myself…all night! That was definitely a first as we only book overnighters with the grandparents when we’re heading out and it’s very rare to be in our home alone. First things first, I gave my house a quick clean because I’m kind of crazy like that and can’t relax if there are dust bunnies rolling across the floor! Then I took the dog for a long run and picked up sushi and The King’s Speech on the way back to my silent home. Pure bliss! A long Mother’s Day morning sleep in, then the hubby rolled in and we headed off to lunch with family and a royal welcome from the kids. Finished the day with an impromptu drop-in with some dear friends, a mommies-only trip to our favourite junk barn (got some great finds for the market!), and a last minute pizza party. Busy but oh so perfect!

Susan Gilmore via Desire To Inspire

Now, it’s no secret that Rachel and I share a love of white kitchens. I’ve featured several here, Rachel’s own renovation is here, and she’s collected some other great ones here. When working at my last job as a kitchen designer, I would often lay awake at night fitting the puzzle pieces of client kitchens together in my mind. It’s been over a year since I worked at Generation Cabinets but I still often lay awake piecing kitchens together only now they’re not for clients, they’re for my friends. Some have asked me for suggestions and advice while others haven’t but I’ve cheekily offered anyway! The kitchen is truly the heart of the home and is the one space that really must function well to keep family life moving smoothly. From cooking and making lunches, to homework and craft projects spread out on the table or island, the kitchen needs to meet many needs and functions in every family home. Here are a few examples of well designed and well functioning white kitchens to dream about….

Red Online

Suzanne Kasler via Everything Fabulous

Kriste Michelini via Cococozy

Style At Home

Canadian House & Home

Muse Interiors via Cococozy

Do you lean towards white kitchens too or do you prefer wood or colour in your cooking space? While white kitchens can be sparse and cold, I prefer them mixed with warm wood floors and a with some vintage or industrial accents thrown in for good measure. Crave colour? Seasonal flowers and fruit are inexpensive and easy to change at whim. Have a kitchen you’re dreaming of renovating? Please share! We’d love to see any of your finished projects as well…

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