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Sunshine = Party Time!

Sunshine = Party Time!

June 2, 2011

I think I’m starting to get back into the swing of things but it’s been pretty slow going this week. We’re finally eating proper meals and have stocked cupboards (there were lots of peanut butter sandwiches and cereal for dinner nights the last couple of weeks!) and my house is fairly clean with our market inventory finally back in the basement. I got my butt kicked at my first  group training session (started up by my good friend Jody) that I’ll be doing twice a week in addition to my spinning classes at the gym (time to crack down before summer!). And thanks to our blissful afternoon at the spa yesterday, I’m feeling pretty darn relaxed! Order in my life is well on it’s way to being restored. It didn’t hurt that the Canuck’s won the first game of the finals last night either! And with sunshine and some heat in the forecast for the weekend, life is good.

With so many to-do’s and thoughts of the market still running through my head, I found myself sitting in front of the computer with a big case of writer’s block last night. Thank goodness for Pinterest! My youngest daughter Lilah is turning 3 next weekend (my baby!) and I’ve been collecting some party ideas for decorating inspiration. I’ve decided to do an ice cream party, her choice and fairly easy to put together for some little family friends after school next week, although maybe not so easy of a cleanup! Here are some other great ideas, many of them DIY, that could be used for many occasions, from birthdays to weddings to baby showers and more…enjoy!

Such Pretty Things

Uh…LaLa via The Sweetest Occasion

The Crafts Dept. (Martha Stewart)


1. Martha Stewart 2. Martha Stewart 3. The Brass Paper Clip Project

Avie Designs

Lisa Storms

Eat Drink Chic

Do you have a lot of summer parties on your calendar? June seems like party month around here…Lilah shares a birthday with my sister-in-law (and dear friend) Amy, my big 32 is mid-month along with my parents’ anniversary, with Father’s Day and a few other kiddie friends’ birthdays in between. I’m thinking there will be a lot of cupcakes involved!



By the way, if you’re curious about how things looked over at the schoolhouse last weekend, pop over to our market blog to see some photos sent to us by Jayme Lang….our vendors really pulled out all the stops!

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