Springing Forward
March 22, 2012
Oh, thank goodness…some sunshine finally arrived yesterday! The kids and I headed off to our favourite junk barn where we met up with my friend Monica and her brood. We unearthed a few good treasures and wrangled some good deals, followed by a picnic and ice cream…and the kids even had fun too! Although it looked a lot warmer outside than it actually was (brrr, that wind was mighty cool!), it did feel good to get at least a few rays of sunshine in contact with my white skin. Since it’s officially now Spring, I thought I share some seasonal visions from around the web…
Courtney of Merriment for Oh Joy!
Sweet Paul Magazine. Photo by Colin Cooke.Illustration by Amy Burrell for Pure Green Magazine
Elephant Ceramics for West Elm
Sweet Paul. Photo by Dana Gallagher.
Elizabeth Irwin for Design Mom
Tomorrow, I’m off to the big city for a visit with Janis Nicolay (couldn’t come soon enough for this Spring Break smothered mama!) and I hear there’s even more sunshine in the forecast for the weekend, hurray! Brad and I are going to head across the line into Bellingham, WA on Saturday to do some shopping and wandering around near the waterfront with the kids. What are your plans for this first weekend of Spring?