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A Delightful Giveaway for Local Readers

A Delightful Giveaway for Local Readers

January 25, 2013

We’re doing a pretty awesome giveaway over at the shop starting later this morning, alongside some amazing local businesses. CheddarBooth and Mikaela Ruth Photography got the ball rolling on this contest to win a styled Afternoon Tea Party and we were thrilled to join in! We’ll be hosting the winner an seven of their lucky friends in our workshop and Tracycakes was the obvious choice for the decadent treats that will be served (they are only a few doors down from us at Spruce and their food is sooo good!). Mikaela popped by the other day to snap these stunning promo shots for the contest…

All photos by Mikaela Ruth Photography for Spruce Collective

All photos by Mikaela Ruth Photography for Spruce Collective

If you live in the Abbotsford/Vancouver area, don’t hesitate to enter! Here’s how:

  • Like each sponsor on Facebook (CheddarBoothMikaela Ruth PhotographySpruce Collective & Tracycakesand comment on at least one of their contest posts, telling us why you want to win and who you want to bring
  • Share the contest link on your Facebook page(s) for an extra entry
  • Tell your friends…the more friends that enter, the better the odds that they’ll invite you!

And that’s not all…we’ve got runner up prizes too! If you don’t win the grand prize tea party, you’ll still be in the running for additional prizes from each amazing sponsor: $300 off your next CheddarBooth booking, $200 off of a photo session with Mikaela Ruth Photography, coupons for cupcakes and high tea at Tracycakes and a party-themed gift basket from Spruce Collective…hooray!

All photos by Mikaela Ruth Photography for Spruce Collective

 So if you live nearby, don’t forget to Like, Comment and Share on each of our Facebook pages to enter. And if you live far away, well too bad but I’ll be sure to share pics of the winners at their beautiful soiree 🙂  And it’s suddenly the weekend, what are your plans? I’ll be at Indie I Do with our vintage rentals (which I’m really looking forward to) then we’re off to a local ski hill Sunday with the kiddos and some friends for sledding and some winter fun. Cheers 🙂

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