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Festive Inspiration from Toast

Festive Inspiration from Toast

November 19, 2012

So I finally jumped in and bought my first batch of Christmas presents last night…off to a good start! Since we’re in full holiday mode at the shop, I haven’t even thought about decorating at home yet but we choose a fresh tree each year so usually wait until the first weekend in December so I’ve got a wee bit of time left. I love Christmas but have been mildly worried that getting festive so early in November might dull the excitement closer to the holidays. After browsing through Toast UK’s look-book though, I don’t think I need to worry…loving all of their understated Christmas inspiration! Come take a look…





The next couple of days are going to be super busy and I’m ever so thankful for my support group once again! Spruce Collective‘s got an exciting feature coming up…I promise to share details as soon as I can…but we’ve got some hasty rearranging of the shop to do in the meantime. On a personal note, I hope I’ve never caused any disillusionment in regards to how I  juggle real life with my ambitious endeavours. I’ve had several versions of “You just seem to balance it all so well” directed my way lately and I can’t help but laugh (somewhat hysterically) and quickly correct them with the reality. So here it is: I have an extremely supportive husband who works a lot yet still picks up the slack on the home front, I have an amazing mom and sister who help me regularly with the kids (not to mention equally amazing friends who help fill in the gaps with school pick ups and play dates), I’ve stopped making my bed (sorry mom) and my house is not very clean these days (to put it mildly), my kids have had a few happy meals lately (gasp!), I stay up far too late every night trying to catch up (hence the dark circles) and I am sorely behind in conversing with extended family and dear friends (I haven’t forgotten about you). But these are not complaints by any means…I am love-love-loving every minute of this new adventure, I feel so lucky/blessed/privileged for this chance and feel endlessly inspired my creative new partners/friends. Did I mention that I would never do this whole store-ownership-thing alone? Because I couldn’t. I honestly don’t know how single-owners (let alone single moms!) do it. So I’m just rolling with it as best I know how…please don’t judge if you notice my unkempt eyebrows! Hope you’re ok with me keepin’ it real…wishing you all a marvellous Monday 🙂

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