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Winter Warm Up

Winter Warm Up

November 24, 2010

The temperature has dropped well below freezing the last few days (somewhat rare for the Vancouver area) and that, combined with bone chilling wind storms, is making me very thankful to be toasty warm inside by the fire right now! There were a few tense nights as the wind tossed around the giant trees that surround our home but we’re safe and sound and I now have a HUGE pile of boughs and branches to decorate the outside of my house with! My husband is very excited (insert eye roll) to get out his staple gun.

Getting cozy needn’t be complicated…sipping a warm drink, soaking in a hot bath or bundling up in a cozy throw or extra layers will all do the trick! Here are some goodies to help you warm up in style…

I made this yummy Ginger Pumpkin Bread today. It’s from an old issue  of Martha Stewart’s Everyday Food magazine and every time I’ve made it over the last couple of years, it disappears in no time…dangerously delicious! But the best part about the recipe is that it makes two loaves…I was smart today and gave one to a friend! There’s an optional glaze in the recipe that I usually forgo as it’s sweet enough on it’s own. Enjoy….

Doesn’t the next image just sum up the feeling of being outside in the first snow? I loved it so much when I first saw it on Creature Comforts…now if only this cold could bring the kids some snow to play in!

Federica Simoni via Creature Comforts

What better way to get cozy on the couch or fireside than with a soft and luxurious throw? I would gladly adopt any of these warm blankets, especially the colourful striped National Parks one…it reminds me of the authentic Hudson’s Bay Company blanket.

1. Canoe 2. Canvas 3. West Elm 4. Terrain

I found these wintery looking lovelies while doing an Etsy treasury last night and think that they’d make perfect Christmas gifts…or perfect gifts to myself, let’s be honest! These vintage finds are so apres ski…retro lodge style at it’s best!

1. White Willow Vintage 2. IKAHN 3. Working Girl Vintage 4. Cinti Does Vintage

Each of these would be so lovely to wear at upcoming family gatherings, to give, or to decorate with. I would love to have glass bowls full of the felted acorns…don’t they just make you want to reach out and touch them?

1. louloudo 2. Oveja Negra 3. Fairyfolk 4.Cloth and Patina

Whimsy & Spice. The name, not to mention the mouth watering photos, says it all. Mark and Jenna, the husband and wife team behind this Brooklyn shop use unique combinations of spices and flavours for their handmade sweets and the result is obviously sublime! They also offer samplers and gift packs…

Whimsy & Spice

Well, it’s become very clear that I’d better get back to the gym and avoid all the temptations of staying bundled up at home! Off to do some crunches…

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