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Waterfront Weddings

Waterfront Weddings

July 20, 2011

This August will be a big milestone for Brad and I as we’ll be celebrating our 10 year anniversary….insert cheers here! I loved planning our wedding and we put a lot of thought and time into all of the little details that made it into the beautiful day that it was. Knowing that we would be having an outdoor reception on my in-laws farm (with no back-up plan!), we planned our wedding for the usually hot and dry month of August and it worked out perfectly. This summer, however, has been a very different story for West Coast weddings! It’s hard to believe how much rain and cool weather we’ve had and, if outdoor nuptials are on the must-have list, many brides may be wishing they’d opted for a destination wedding at the beach!

When we were in Mexico this past February with Rachel and her husband, we couldn’t help but witness dozens of weddings from our beach chairs throughout the week.  Each had nearly identical set-ups, with only the chair wraps changing colour in between, and there wasn’t much personality, if any, to make one ceremony stand out from the next. Even the music choices were often the same! Here are some much more romantic and personal waterfront settings, whether your dream beach is lakeside or by the sea….

Wedding Chicks

Wedding Chicks

Style Me Pretty

The Etsy Blog

Wedding Chicks

Now, you know how much we love the colours of sea glass and what better way to incorporate them than in your beach-themed decor. Globes and maps (more favourites!) are also perfect touches for destination weddings, whether they’re used as table decor, for invitations or for seating charts.

Green Wedding Shoes

Many people envision exchanging their vows on the beach, but I love the idea of a beachy reception too. Tables set out under the stars, the sound of the waves in the background, dancing barefoot in the sand…now that’s a waterfront wedding that I would love to attend!

Style Me Pretty


Tiny Water Photography

There’s something so dreamy and magical about wedding photos taken by water, isn’t there? Must be that feeling of drifting off into the sunset together! Here are a few beauties that capture those sweetest first moments as husband and wife…

W. Scott Chester

Oh Darling Photography

We Love Pictures via Cap Classique

Did any of you get married on the beach? Or wish that you did? Please share! By the way, have you noticed that we’re now offering advertising space on our blog? If you’re interested in featuring a link to your small business, shop or blog on Birch + Bird, contact us at birchandbird(at)gmail(dot)com for details.

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