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Springing Forward

Springing Forward

March 8, 2011

We enjoyed lots of sunshine and time outside over the weekend and I had high hopes that Spring was finally breaking through. The weather man says not to get our hopes up, though, and I hear we may get a bit of snow mixed in with the rain that’s headed our way. So it goes! But the sunshine did get me thinking about my garden, from which some bulbs are valiantly trying to poke their heads, and I had blooms on the brain while doing my blog crawl on Sunday.

From wedding tables and bouquets to simple sprigs and branches around the house, flowers bring so much life and energy to a space. We have a white dogwood tree in our backyard that I am so looking forward to seeing in bloom again this year. Last year, later in the Spring, I cut flowering branches for my home and they were so beautiful…the flowers almost don’t even look real, they’re so perfect. We even used them as shop props occasionally. What are your favourite Spring flowers?

Erin Hearts Court

The Marion House Book


The Design Traveller

Emily Henderson

House Beautiful via Shelter

Prime wedding season is just around the corner and  I fell in love with the simple beauty of  Amy Osaba‘s floral arrangements in this vintage inspired shoot on Ruffled the other day. Aren’t they lovely? The lighting and colours used throughout are so dreamy…

Photos by Simply Bloom Photography. Flowers by Amy Osaba. via Ruffled.

Etsy sellers are also in full bloom this season. Here are some favourites that I found…

Allisa Jacobs

1. Tamar 2. Eclu 3. Woodland Belle 4. Urban Harmonie Design

I was so happy to come across the talented work of Heather Braun-Dahl today! I’m not sure how I haven’t discovered dahlhaus before, as she’s based out of Vancouver, but I’m glad that I found her gorgeous works of art. Here’s a little bit about Heather, borrowed from her Etsy shop profile: “Heather Braun-Dahl graduated from the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in 2001 with a major in ceramics and painting. After living in Spain for a few months, she settled back in North Vancouver with her husband and new little baby. Looking for a way to keep her hands in the making process while having a new baby to care for, Heather started working out of a clay studio in a community center for a few years. Slowly she started selling her wares to her friends and family and the idea of dahlhaus was formed.” Lovely!


Something else I’m looking forward to later this Spring, is the release of Holly Becker’s first book Decorate. I just pre-ordered a copy for myself from Amazon and cannot wait to flip through it in early May! You likely know Holly from her fabulous blog, Decor8, and we were lucky enough to take part in her Blogging It Your Way course last fall. Holly has been such an inspiration to both Rachel and I, starting long before the seeds of starting our own blog were even planted in our minds. She also makes a very good habit of keeping fresh blooms around her own home…

Decorate by Holly Becker and Joanna Copestick. Photos by Debi Treloar.


Well, I hope that’s helped you see the bright side of these end-of-winter days…have a wonderful Tuesday!

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