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Room For the Boys

Room For the Boys

March 10, 2011

As many of you with children know, life is sure busy these days! Between all of the driving to school and activities to juggling housework and making meals to trying to get myself to the gym and get work done in the middle of it all, some days truly feel like a blur! Thankfully, Rachel and I are headed to Seattle for a shopping getaway with two other busy mama friends this weekend and, let me tell you, the count down is on!

Between us, Rachel and I have 4 girls and have focused several of our posts on spaces fit for little ladies. Let’s face it, there is so much more cute stuff out there for girls! From clothing to room decor, the options for feminine style are seemingly endless while the choices for boys are pretty slim in comparison. So I thought I’d put together a collection of boy’s rooms…no sugar and spice here!

Style Cookie via Bloesem

Soderberg Agentur. Photo by Magnus Anesund.

1. Country Living 2. Canadian House & Home



While I don’t have any more newborns in my future (knock on wood!), I’m a sucker for a stylish nursery and the two below are perfect examples. How lovely would it be to nurse your wee one in this rustic space? It’s actually pretty gender neutral and the orange accents could easily be swapped out for another hue. And the white Scandinavian nursery? I don’t think any words are necessary! What I love most about these two spaces, is that they were designed to grow with the child and would look just as good with a 10 year old’s bed brought in as they do with the cribs…

Room Remix (blog has been removed)

Kjerstis Lykke via A Cup of Jo via The Boo and the Boy

Design*Sponge just featured this nautical Whitby wallpaper by Mini Moderns this week and it was love at first sight for me. Wouldn’t it be adorable in a boy’s room? Or in a seaside cottage, for that matter! The rest of their collection is pretty amazing too…

Mini Moderns via Design*Sponge

While browsing for appropriate wall art for young fellows, keeping in mind what my nearly 8 year old son Gabe would like, I came across these fab prints by Yellow Heart Art. Aren’t they cute…I mean, cool? I’m thinking I just might just have to fit Supah Fly into Gabe’s room somewhere…

Yellow Heart Art

When designing rooms for kids, I always choose furniture and decor that will grow at least a few years with each child. My mom made a habit of using quality vintage pieces in our rooms, many of which she sent along with us when we moved out of the nest. While Ikea is great for style on a budget, I’ve learned my lesson when it comes to pieces that need to hold up to kids…a lesson I should have taken from my mom, from the get-go!

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