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Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors

Flowers for Friday!

March 22, 2013

The monumental rainfall appears to have ceased temporarily (knock on wood!) and the sun has come out to join us, just in time for the weekend! The Spruce girls and I are putting together a Summer look-book for Trove Vintage Rentals next week so I’ve had flowers on the brain. We’re off to a local barn with our photographer this morning to scout it out as a venue for the shoot…fingers crossed that it will be the perfect rustic space! One of our lovely consigners, Kari of Confetti Floral Design, dropped off several stunning bouquets yesterday and I just had to share a little glimpse with you…

Confetti Floral Design at Spruce Collective

Ahh, Spring in all her glory, right? With blooms on the brain, here are some other beauties that brightened my week…

First Snow Fall


Santa Barbara Chic

Bonnie & Bell

Green Wedding Shoes. Photo by Katie Pritchard.

Perpetually Chic DIY Garland Tutorial

We’re off to Vancouver this afternoon for a weekend of family fun and we’re all pretty stoked to get out of dodge! We’ve got trips planned to the aquarium (for the kids) and The Museum of Anthropology (for us), with lots of beach time and people watching mixed in between. What are your plans? Hopefully they include lots of warm-ish sunshine! Enjoy 🙂


Power Couple: A Colourful Collaboration

March 20, 2013

I’m obviously a big fan of team work and this bright and bold LA duplex is the perfect example of two talented designers working together to create something, well, awesome! Emily Henderson and Bri Emery collaborated, (actually, they bartered services…could it get any better?) in the redesign of Bri’s new Los Angeles home. In exchange for her decorating services, Emily got a shiny new website design…looks like a pretty fabulous fair trade to me! Full of light, lush plants and vivid colours, this space is bursting with personality…

Bri Emery‘s home in the LA Times. Design by Emily Henderson. Photo by Laure Joliet.

Bri Emery‘s home in the LA Times. Design by Emily Henderson. Photo by Laure Joliet.

I’m absolutely in love with the layered rugs in the dining room (what an ingenious solution!), not to mention that Max Wanger photo (it’s so affordable too, bonus!). Actually, I’m pretty much in love with the entire space! A little bit masculine with the right amount of feminine and plenty of juicy colour and whimsy details in between. Home sweet duplex! Enjoy your Wednesday 🙂


Jumping In: Spring Break!

March 18, 2013

Happy Monday to you! It’s the first day of Spring Break and I’m already behind…could be an interesting 2 weeks ahead 🙂 But we’re all ready for lazy mornings and extra time together and I promise I’ll be back with more on Wednesday. In the meantime, here’s a fun shot that I snapped at my in-law’s farm yesterday…Gabe mastered that pogo stick in no time!

Hope your week launches off to a great start 🙂


Bright + Beautiful in Bordeaux

March 15, 2013

This week hasn’t exactly been bright (both literally and figuratively) but this lovely townhouse in Bordeaux, France instantly lifted my spirits and reminded me that it won’t always be puddles and clouds in my little world. Photographed beautifully by Julien Fernandez, this home simply must be the most charming and eclectic space that I ever did see! I absolutely love the way home owner Elodie mixed period pieces and portraits with mid century touches and quirky tidbits throughout. Did I mention that she renovated the previously dark and gloomy space from top to bottom? This petite townhouse is now bursting with personality and light, come and see…

All photos by Julien Fernandez via Style Me Pretty

All photos by Julien Fernandez via Style Me Pretty

All photos by Julien Fernandez via Style Me Pretty

All photos by Julien Fernandez via Style Me Pretty

I told you it was charming! And could the exterior be any more perfect? The perfect antidote for this blustery Ides of March. Hope you enjoyed this tour as much as I did and have a great weekend!


Writer’s Block Wednesday

March 13, 2013

I must admit that I couldn’t think of much to chat about here on the blog today. Maybe it’s the torrential rain coming down outside or the fact that I’m feeling just a tad worn out between family life and the shop. Whatever the reason, I’ll shake it off soon and will leave you with these pretty tidbits in the meantime…

Camilla Tange via SF Girl by Bay

Alli Coate

The Paper Mama

Country Living

Style Me Pretty

Let’s hope this day gets a wee bit brighter…


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