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Organizing the Chaos

Organizing the Chaos

November 8, 2011

After putting it off for months, I finally jumped in and bought 5 gallons of fresh white paint for my main floor yesterday! I’m on a major time crunch, with Fieldstone Vintage Market and the holidays just around the corner, but there’s nothing like a deadline, right? I came home from the paint store with newfound energy and got to work emptying our living space of knick-knacks, smaller furniture pieces and wall art. With kids to pick up from school and dinner to prepare, I figured I’d best leave the prep work and painting until I had more time on my hands but I did manage to organize a closet and my kitchen cupboards with the time I had left in the afternoon. It felt so good and I’m feeling inspired to do even more purging in the forgotten corners of my home…

Country Living

Nordic Design


Vartnya Hem via April & May Studio

Atlanta Homes

I stopped in at Ikea on my way home from the city this weekend, which I’m sure you’ll agree is the ultimate place to be inspired with thoughts of a neat and tidy home. I resisted the urge to buy a cartload of new storage items, though, as I’m bound and determined to use what I already have to get my nooks and crannies in order. Our basement is a disaster, but after 10 minutes yesterday stacking like-items, filling 2 bags with recycling and 1 with garbage, I came across some great metal locker bins and wicker baskets that I bought years ago that will be perfect for every room in my house. It’s amazing what’s hiding under the clutter sometimes…

Red Online

Pure Design by Samantha Pynn

I love to read and love to use stacks of design books in my interior but I would love to have the space to add in some bookshelves. I love how these examples would work in spaces big or small…aren’t those slotted bookshelves brilliant?


Better Homes & Gardens

Canadian House & Home

1. Maryjanes & Galoshes 2. The Creating Keepsakes Blog

Kids art supplies, shoes and toys account for the most annoying clutter in our home so I’m always on the hunt for creative storage ideas. I love this DIY tier for art supplies and hanging ribbon dispenser, don’t you? I’m always inspired by how others think outside the box for small space storage solutions. Do you have any that you’d like to share?

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