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Open Shelves in the Kitchen

Open Shelves in the Kitchen

July 25, 2011

Hooray! Warm sunshine and summer days have finally arrived to our corner of Canada! It felt so great to sit out and soak up some sun and to finally enjoying a BBQ with friends over the weekend. We also dropped off our son for his first overnight summer camp yesterday and I must admit that I got a little sentimental (as I organized his clothes in his bunk drawer, sniff sniff!) about how grown up he’s becoming and how precious these next few years will be. He’s only 8 but the teen years are fast approaching and soon enough he’ll be busy with sports, school and friends and it will take a lot more effort to enjoy those special family moments. At least he’s only gone for a couple of nights but, my oh my, how they grow!

On a different subject entirely, I seem to have far too many house projects on my to-do list for this summer. So many, that I’m having trouble deciding where to start and I’m struggling to find some motivation to check off at least a couple small projects before July turns to August. I did make the important first step of buying paint and primer the other day but I took the weekend off to enjoy the sunshine. For now, I’m happy enough looking at these inspiring pictures of some gorgeous kitchens with open shelving. I love the idea of having everyday dishes within arms reach, don’t you?

Traditional Home

A Country Farmhouse

Now, we all know that I have a major thing for white kitchens, but I recently came across this rustic space and fell in love. That stone wall, the woodgrain and colour of the wooden cabinets, and the open island shelves make this a modern country kitchen that I would be thrilled to cook in…

Nuevo Estilo via Delight By Design

C Design via Desire To Inspire


Everyday dishes, serving ware, collections and even artwork can be displayed and changed with ease on open shelving. Organize items by like colour or style to keep things from looking cluttered. With a neutral background, almost any accent colour can be added to brighten up your space…

Laure Joliet

Better Homes & Gardens

Style At Home

Elle Decor

Cote De Texas

How was your weekend? Have you accomplished any summer projects around your house? I’ll be painting my front door and dining table this week and will be sure to post some before and afters. Happy Monday!

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