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Layered + Liveable: Rooms with Personality

Layered + Liveable: Rooms with Personality

January 28, 2013

It seems like a lot of you could relate with renovations and that darn “snowball effect” that I mentioned in last week’s post. We bought our first house very young and our budget has been pretty tight ever since, especially as our family has grown. When funds are short, its easy to get discouraged trying to tackle projects that add personality but it doesn’t have to cost a bundle to make a space your own. At the shop, we’re always encouraging customers to take their heirlooms and collections out of hiding, dust them off and put them on display. If you surround yourself with things that you absolutely love, odds are pretty good that your personality and style will shine through.  Avoid holding onto items that you feel obligated to keep (there’s no need to feel guilty over stuff) and pare down unnecessary clutter and trinkets whenever you can. Books and plants are ideal for filling empty spaces and add character to any display…

Photo by Brooke Holm for The Design Files

Style by Emily Henderson

SF Girl by Bay

I firmly believe that a room (and a home, for that matter) should evolve over time, not overnight. As impatient as I’ve been in the past with “finishing” a certain room, I’m almost never happy with items that I’ve bought just to fill an empty wall or corner. And I always wish that I would have just saved up a little bit longer for the piece that I actually wanted in the first place. Being a vintage lover has definitely helped to ease my impatience! At thrift stores (or junk barns or auctions or garage sales for that matter), you have equal odds at finding either the “perfect” piece or the “just for now” one. Don’t limit your search to just display objects and furniture either…I have friends who have vast collections of vintage textiles and linens, just waiting to be turned into pillows (like these barkcloth ones over at Stepback) or even framed. What are some of your favourite thrift store finds?

Norrgavel via Solid Frog

Line Shape ColourLily via Miss Moss

I’m feeling the urge for some junk hunting now! It’s funny, since starting the shop I’ve been much busier behind the scenes and sourcing out new product rather than scouting out vintage treasures. That’s where having great partners comes very much in handy 🙂 Well, I’m off to work now but wish you all a great start to the week!

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