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Industrial Strength: Metal + Wood

Industrial Strength: Metal + Wood

September 13, 2011

I’m having a hard time looking at my calendar these days. For one thing, it’s so packed full with school schedules and play date arrangements that there’s not much more room to add anything on most days this week or next! But even more pressing, Fieldstone Vintage Market is a mere eleven days away. Yes, eleven! While Rachel and I are beyond excited, we still have sooo much to do in so very little time. But thankfully, we have a great team alongside us and we’re working hard to make September 24th an amazing day for all….we’ve even lined up entertainment! Local talent includes Hanna Williamson and her violin in the morning followed by Old Mare and Anna Vandas in the afternoon hours. Just a few more excellent reasons to make the trip out to Fieldstone and shop amongst all 52 of our handmade and vintage sellers for the day!

Marie Claire Maison

We seem to have our best treasure hunting success when we’ve got a certain theme in mind. For The Old School Market, we fittingly had our eyes peeled for anything schoolhouse inspired and it was amazing how many educational tidbits we found in our travels. This time ’round, we’ve got industrial farmhouse on the brain. There’s something about the combination of warm, worn wood juxtaposed with cool, industrial steel that gets me every time…

Anthropologie via Apartment Therapy


While we unfortunately still can’t share the news of our other side project, (so cloak and dagger, I know!) metal and wood are two key ingredients in our overall design scheme. My handy hubby will be building some shelving units for us this weekend, something along the lines of these rustic shelves below. Don’t worry, we’ll be able to spill the beans soon and will be sure to post lots of pics of the final reveal!


Marie Claire Maison

Tolix via Skona Hem via Style Files

While many industrial spaces can end up feeling cold and monochromatic, they can easily be warmed up with layered fabrics, area rugs, colourful artwork and other accessories. And never underestimate the power of fresh flowers to bring life to a room!


Emma’s Design Blogg

House & House


Our recent shopping excursions have yielded some great industrial relics, this porcelain glove mold being one of my favourites! Too creepy for you or do you share my love? We’ve been stocking up on piles of vintage crates (the most requested item at our spring market), tins, and some larger pieces like the round iron table, laboratory stool and some industrial metal trolleys. Our poor little Etsy shop has been so neglected for the last few months…we seem to be hoarding our finds for our market customers and quite possibly for ourselves!

Birch + Bird

That’s a very small sneak peak into the Birch + Bird display at Fieldstone…we hope you’ll join us there to see what else we’ve got hiding in our basements!



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