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Dreaming of Wine Country

Dreaming of Wine Country

August 20, 2012

Yep, that was another busy weekend, one of many to come for the next month or so I’m sure! Things are moving right along at the new shop…Brad’s building us some great shelves out of reclaimed barn board from his parents farm (what a guy!), painting will get started this week and we’re off on a little field trip to the city today to check out some wholesalers and check a few more things off of our never-ending list. I’m excited to spend a whole day with my new partners…we’ve been joking that we’ve all been speed dating or have jumped into an arranged marriage of sorts! But I have no doubt that we’ll know far too much about each other very soon…some of our back and forth texts have kept me chuckling for days! We’ve been gathering inspiration like crazy, especially for our new classroom, and several of these harvest tables had me drooling on Pinterest the other night, as did the wine bottle chandeliers and those amazing shelves. I just had to share…

All photos Maison Estate via Miss Design

Maison Estate is a vineyard which houses a tasting room and bistro-style restaurant, all nestled in The Valley of the Huguenots. Designed by owner Chris Weylandt (who also owns a well known South African home decor and furniture store, Weylandts), I love the attention to detail and natural elements throughout. Soothing, isn’t it?

All photos Maison Estate via Miss Design

Now if only it was a little closer…I would love to sip a glass of wine on that patio! Did you notice anything different here on the blog? Several months ago, Rachel and I moved forward with plans to redesign and freshen up our blog. While we did put our bigger blog plans on hold for the time being, our talented designer Tabitha Emma came up with some great new concepts for our logo. We didn’t want to go overboard with any drastic changes to our “brand” but were looking for something simple with just the right amount of pretty mixed in for good measure. And (with a little drumroll, please) this was the final choice…What do you think? We’ve always been drawn to apothecary labels and love hand-drawn lettering and fonts so I’m loving this modern take on vintage styling. I may make a few more small tweaks to the blog to tie things together but, don’t worry, no major facelifts are in the works and you’ll still recognize us! Have a great Monday and I’ll see you again Wednesday 🙂



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