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Getting Nookie

Getting Nookie

March 16, 2011

Well, today was day 2 of two weeks of Spring Break and, after a leisurely weekend away with the girls, I must admit I felt a bit outnumbered by my 3 kids. It’s amazing how attempting simple errands with all 3 takes triple the time…it very often feels like I’m herding goats rather than children through the supermarket aisles! Do any of you other mothers ever feel the same? Luckily, we’ve got a couple of activities and play dates lined up for tomorrow so hopefully they’ll burn off some steam before I attempt to take them out in public again!

Dinner time with young kids is always a struggle. My brood, for whatever reason, seem to love being reminded to sit down. Every. Night. I was thinking about ways, other than seat belts on our dining chairs, that I could possibly get them to stay in their seat for at least one meal a day and I think that a corner nook would be the perfect solution. My husband and I would just have to sit at either end to keep the rascals from escaping! Our dining space doesn’t work for a nook or banquette, but if our dream of building a home one day ever comes true, it’s something that would definitely be on my list of must-haves…


Architect Ken Linsteadt via Remodelista via Canadian House & Home

Dijeau Poage Construction via Houzz

Canadian House & Home


I am really loving the use of custom upholstered sofas as dining seating. Dinner parties would be so comfortable lounging on one of these glam sofa-style benches…the only downside would be getting your guests to leave! Although, I suppose they could just lie down and stay all night…

Seattle Homes Magazine

Teatro Verde

Style At Home

When living in a small space, it’s important to utilize every little nook and cranny. It takes a little creativity when trying to make room in your home. Use a corner alcove as a home office or build a custom sofa for a narrow room. Older homes and lofts often have quirky bits…don’t be afraid to think outside the box and use these quirks to your advantage. Wouldn’t a reading nook like the last image be divine?

Living Etc.

Style At Home

Emily Henderson, HGTV’s Secrets From A Stylist

Apartment Therapy

I’m off to rethink my home’s nooks, crannies and closets yet again! And for those of you who are curious about our weekend thrift scores, stay tuned because Rachel and I will be taking pictures of them en masse tomorrow…until then!

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