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Feeling Blue…Shades of Ink + Indigo

Feeling Blue…Shades of Ink + Indigo

March 14, 2012

We had the craziest day of weather yesterday, from pouring rain to huge flakes of snow to giant balls of hail and ending with sunshine and blue skies…crazy! And I must admit that cabin fever was starting to kick in…did I mention it’s only day 2 of two weeks of Spring Break? Needless to say, I quickly filled up the rest of the week’s calendar with play dates and outings galore. But I am still really feeling the blues…

West Elm

…deep ink and indigo blues, that is! I’ve been collecting mismatched blue and white dishes for several years now, for no other reason than I love the colour combination. I don’t really think I’ll ever entirely need the thirty saucers and dessert plates stacked in my cupboards but they are fun to mix and match with my 20 other dinner plates and who needs paper plates for kids birthday parties when you’ve got real bone china?  I never pay more than a few dollars for any single piece (that’s pushing it, it’s usually more like 50 cents) so there are no tears shed if they break. Here are a few of my favourites…I like how they look against my Superstore pillows, don’t you? That blue and white pillow cost $1.44 at the end of summer last year and, yes, I may have 6 more in my basement…how could I not!

Photo by Me (Lily Ellis)

Lonny. Photo by Patrick Cline.

Martha Stewart Living

Deep inky blues are the perfect backdrop to highlight other colours like red, green and yellow. Navy has always been classic and will never go out of style…

The Design Files. Photo by Sean Fennessy.

House to Home

Sweet Paul. Photo by Frances Janisch.

West Elm

Living Etc. via Trendey

Anything nautical or in sea glass shades of  blue and green always seems to catch my eye. Aren’t these rough-hewn ceramics from Milk Farm Road gorgeous? I can see them mixed in on my next table setting already…

Milk Farm Road via Bright.Bazaar

House Beautiful

House to Home

I especially love seeing a big jumble of blue patterns, like this assortment of cushions above. One of my first bedroom wall choices at the young age of 15 (go mom!) was navy blue paint and I always loved how my art (aka, magazine tear-outs) popped against such a dark backdrop. While I won’t be painting my white walls dark again anytime soon, I think I will be adding more shades of the sea to my home. What are your thoughts on blue?

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