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Etica Studio: A Recycled Australian Home

Etica Studio: A Recycled Australian Home

January 13, 2014

Hey there! How did the weekend treat you? Mine started out pretty mellow but switched into high gear yesterday as we started our renovations at the shop. They are coming along great and it feels pretty awesome watching our storage and organization dreams coming together! But we’ve still got a solid couple of days of hard work ahead of us before opening our doors to the public once again so no chance of any R&R until then! I came across some pics of this beautiful Australian home last week and couldn’t wait to share them with you. If you can believe it, despite looking as though it could be a heritage shop conversion, it’s actually a newly built home! Home owner Carla Karsakis (of building design studio Etica Studio) has a passion for sustainable architecture and, together with her husband Ben, built and designed the home using recycled and salvaged materials, including some from existing structures on the property. Here are a few of my favourites and you can see plenty more (as well as detailed descriptions) over at House Nerd:

Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.

Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.

Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.

Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.


Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.

Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.Etica Studio via House Nerd. Photo by Meghan Plowman.

” I wanted everything to be recycled or secondhand, ” says Carla. ” We salvaged as many elements as possible from the garage and shed. This included jarrah beams, an old barn-style door which was made in England and a jarrah workbench which was constructed by the previous owner. “

Pretty cool, isn’t it? I’m totally in love with those Spanish tiles on the bathroom floor, what a statement! Enjoy your Monday!

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