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All Hung Up: Cozy Hanging Chairs

All Hung Up: Cozy Hanging Chairs

August 25, 2014

Oh. My. How’s that for dropping off the radar?! I didn’t mean to take such a huge blogging hiatus (at all!) but we got into a pretty good Summer groove over here and I think I really just needed a good break from the world wide web. I was starting to feel like all of the creative wonderfulness out there was just starting to blend together (you know, like when too many well-dressed people are in a room together and no one truly stands out) and have quite honestly been in quite the creative slump…can anyone relate? I think I’m coming out of it (I’ve finally started hanging art around our house and had a lot of fun styling a recent shoot for the shop) but I’ve definitely pulled back from social media and Pinterest over the past few months to try and clear my head. While I still have a mild Instagram addiction, I’m determined to fill more of my spare time with reading actual books instead of scrolling through endless images and I’d really love to pick up a new skill or two in the year to come. But I do need to find myself a cozy reading corner to coax me into sitting down and I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for a vintage hanging chair. Pretty sure my kiddos would soon take it over but a girl can dream! Here are some beauties that have caught my eye:

Marsel Roothman Photography for The Pretty Blog.Marsel Roothman Photography | The Pretty Blog

A House in the HillsTwo’s Company Hanging Rattan Chair | A House in the Hills

Hammock Chair DIY | A Beautiful MessHammock Chair DIY | A Beautiful Mess

Decor Envy | Houzz via Avenue LifestyleDecor EnvyHouzz via Avenue Lifestyle

DIY Hanging Chair | The Merry ThoughtDIY Hanging Chair | The Merry Thought

Oh Happy Day | Photo by Ashley BatzOh Happy Day | Photo by Ashley Batz

Cozy, right? Can you recommend any good books that you read over the summer? My friend Julia gave me The Orphan Master’s Son and it was really great…dark at times but super interesting.  And is there a skill that you’d like to learn to retrain your tech-addicted brain? I’ve got calligraphy and learning to play guitar on my short-term bucket list for now. Thanks for checking in and I’ll be back to chat again soon 🙂

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