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Equestrian Chic

Equestrian Chic

November 28, 2011

Is it Monday already? Rachel and I packed in quite the work weekend, with a trip to Ikea (with kids!) thrown in to keep things exciting, and I think we made big dent in our market preparations. Fieldstone is a mere 6 days away and we have a busy week ahead of us, sorting through the final details for the set up at the EcoDairy as well as for our own shop display. Our biggest worry for each of our outdoor markets has always been the weather but, so far, the forecast is calling for a bright streak of sunshine at the end of the week, right on target for market day…keep your fingers crossed for us, pretty please!

Growing up, I was in love with horses. Really in love. I’m not exactly sure when it started, since my family didn’t know anyone who owned any, but I was gaga for horses in a big way from about 8 years old on. My parents sent me off to a horse-themed summer camp that year and worked hard to put me through a several years of riding lessons when I was a little older…I loved each and every moment spent in the barn and riding ring!  I stifled my passion in high school, swapping posters of palominos and Arabians in my room for Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt, but every time I see horses incorporated into interior design, it makes me happy. I have two amazing vintage paint-by-numbers (bought on my first thrifting excursion with Rachel!) now up in my living room, along with a large old photo of another unknown horse that I found in my in-laws barn. I’ll show you pictures of my own space very soon, once my wall sconces are up (I changed course and ordered some new lights over the weekend), but for now enjoy these equestrian touches…

Design*Sponge. Home of Carla Fahden. (Also featured on Etsy’s Get the Look)

Elle Decor

Style At Home

Eric Roth Photography via La Dolce Vita via Canadian House & Home

Country Living

Themed photography or art is the most obvious way to insert equestrian style into your space but subtle touches of leather, plaid, dark polished wood, brass, and black accessories will also do the trick…

Elle Decor

Style At Home

Country Living

Liz Caan via Marcus Design

Plantation via Apartment Therapy

Home Life

Did you have a childhood passion when you were young and are you still passionate about it now? I recently went through several boxes of art and school essays that my mom saved and passed along to me and found it so interesting how most of my tastes have changed over time (I don’t get giddy over princesses anymore…well, not usually!) yet how many have stayed the same, like the elevation view sketch of my new bedroom design that I drew up when I was 9!  It makes me very curious about my own kids…will skateboarding, art and dancing still be at the top of their priority lists when they grow up? Time will tell, I suppose. Have a wonderful week!

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