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Merry + Bright: 5 Friday Favourites

Merry + Bright: 5 Friday Favourites

December 13, 2013

The past several weeks have been insanely hectic (to say the least) and although it’s Friday and I’ve got a fun weekend ahead (it’s our last weekend of The Urban Market and we’re headed to an Ugly Sweater Party on Saturday night), I must admit that I’m really (like, really) looking forward to Monday. Not like there’s anything exceptionally special about Monday, there’s just nothing on my calendar for Monday! Odds are good that it will end up being just as busy as any other day but sometimes you’ve just got to have a visual goal in mind to make it through the busy bits, right? Works for me 😉 We’re officially halfway to Christmas Day and here are 5 festive faves that caught my eye this week:

1. Loving this Scandinavian table, especially the sheepskin chair covers:

100 Layer Cake. Loft Photographie & Anne Marie Photography 100 Layer Cake. Photos & concept by Loft Photographie & Anne Marie Photography.

2. This DIY marquee lighting pretty much sums up all things Merry & Bright:

DIY Marquee Letters by A Beautiful MessA Beautiful Mess

3. I’m super envious of anyone blessed with beautiful hand lettering skills (ahem, yes I’m talking to you Jessica!) and Lindsay Letters has some fabulous prints for the Holidays and beyond. (But seriously, I’m pretty sure it was supposed to be my great talent, I just got missed somehow)

Lindsay LettersLindsay Letters

4. There’s no excuse for wobbly card tables over the Holidays, not after seeing this adorable kids table:

Kids Table by 100 Layer Cakelet100 Layer Cakelet

5. I have no idea when I’m going to get any Christmas baking done (maybe when the kids are out of school?) but these Peppermint Chocolate Crackles look pretty darn delicious:

Peppermint Chocolate Crackles by Say Yes to HobokenPeppermint Chocolate Crackles by Say Yes to Hoboken

Ok, off I go to run the kiddos to school and get things set up for The Urban Market but have yourself a wonderful weekend and I’ll be back to chat on Monday (ah, glorious Monday ;)! Cheers!

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