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Christmas at My House, with Pottery Barn!

Christmas at My House, with Pottery Barn!

December 6, 2013

Sorry for skipping out on Wednesday’s post! It’s been another busy week, one that had a few challenges thrown in for good measure (“challenging” sounds so much better than draining, non?) but I’m still standing and pretty happy that the weekend is here. Pottery Barn recently asked me if I’d like to receive a surprise box of Holiday ornaments from them and I happily accepted, of course! It was such a treat to come home to a pretty package on my doorstep last week, a box that contained not one, not two but ten gorgeous glass ornaments! There was one small catch though: I was challenged to creatively display them, ie. not on a tree. A little tougher than you’d think but I used some vintage finds that I already had as the backdrop and styled this travel-themed vignette on my mantle.Come see:

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

The large “painting” in the centre is one of my favourites and is actually a vintage card table top. My dear friend Monica gave it to me and the scene is my happy place when life’s “challenges” get me down 🙂 The other artwork is also all vintage except for the black + white architectural sketch, which I drew in an interior design class years ago. My mom made the stockings for each of us and the nutcrackers are a mix of new and vintage finds. The greenery is all from our front yard and I forgot to turn our gas fireplace on so just imagine a toasty glow inside!

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery BarnOrnaments from Pottery Barn. Photos by Lily Ellis.

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

Birch + Bird: Christmas with Pottery Barn

I’m pretty thrilled with the end results and Gabe told me last night that it’s “the best decorating you’ve ever done!”, a big compliment from my 10-year old boy 🙂 Make you want to jump on a plane and go somewhere, doesn’t it? A BIG thank you to Pottery Barn for the early Christmas gift and here’s a list of the 10 ornaments that I received:

Temperatures are dropping fast and it’s supposed to get reeeeally cold (for us!) this weekend. So stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

*While I did receive 10 ornaments from Pottery Barn at no cost, I was not compensated for this post in any way. All photos are by myself, Lily Ellis, for Birch + Bird.

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