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A Weekend in Wine Country…Okanagan Style!

A Weekend in Wine Country…Okanagan Style!

June 26, 2013

Well, hello strangers! Sorry for abandoning ship…I took a little blogging break last week and ended up in wine country, go figure! I turned 34 on Saturday and got whisked away by a couple of girlfriends for a birthday weekend of wine, no cooking, vineyards and heart-to-hearts…a fab way to kick off the year ahead! Here’s a little peek at our shenanigans and you can see more if you follow me on Instagram

Jennie, Aprille and I stayed for 3 carefree nights at Walnut Beach resort in Osoyoos, and it was so great have so much uninterrupted time together…just enough time to miss our families 🙂 Our only plan for the weekend was to hop on the wine shuttle so that’s where you could have found us, bright and early Saturday morning! It was a long day of tastings but we made time for a delicious lunch at Hester Creek (which we may or may not have repeated the next day) and we met plenty of entertaining folks along the tour. Charlotte from OK Wine Shuttle kept us on track and was the perfect chaperone for the day!

Food pics really don’t do it justice but Terrafina restaurant at Hester Creek Estate Winery has the most amazing food. ever. This potato pizza with truffle oil (yes, potato!) had us coming back for more on Sunday and the patio + sunshine + bubbly = perfection! Some other favourite stops this time ’round were LaStella, Desert Hills Estate WineryStoneboat Vineyards, Young & Wyse and I experienced my first-ever wine slushy at Rustico Farm & Cellars…not something I’ll likely taste again but an experience all the same 🙂 You can find links to other Osoyoos wineries I’ve visited in this fun post (click here).

And what’s any birthday without a double rainbow?!? We were lucky enough to see this pair while watching an outdoor concert at Tinhorn Creek. The views in the Okanagan were pretty incredible and we enjoyed plenty of sunshine and pool time in between the clouds. While my liver could use some time to recover, I’m already counting down to our next trip to wine country and feel pretty blessed to have such fantastic friends, not to mention an amazing hubby to man the home-front while I was gone. Hope you’re having a great week so far!

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