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California Cool

California Cool

August 13, 2012

What a whirlwind the last couple of weeks have been…I almost can’t absorb it all at once! Planning the new shop with the kids home on summer holidays isn’t exactly the easiest thing ever and I’ve been clocking some very late nights to catch up on things after they’re tucked in tight. It’s also been a little bittersweet with Rachel’s decision to step back from blogging for awhile. Although I completely understand her desire to focus on their new life in Florida, I’m worried it will make her feel even farther away.  Thank goodness for today’s technology like Skype and Facetime though! And I’m hopeful that she won’t be gone for too long 😉

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

I recently came across this stunning West Hollywood home, designed and lived in by Mark Egertrom, and I would be more than happy to call it my own! The combination of glass walls, concrete floors and natural wood blurs the line between outdoors and in. I love the warm neutrals throughout accented with unexpected bursts of colour like the graphic paintings, area rugs and Pop art…

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

That mossy backyard is just begging for my bare feet to run through it! And the rooftop patio? Perfect for all of the swanky LA parties I’d be bound to host here!

Photo by Lisa Romerein for House Beautiful

We’re off to Birch Bay today to enjoy a few days of R&R at the cabin of some close friends. It’s become a bit of a tradition for our 3 families over the past few years and we cannot wait for days spent beach combing and nights by the fire. We’ll be home on Wednesday, just in time to get the keys for the new store! And then it will be gung-ho to get started painting and setting up shop…eek! Feeling this excited and scared all at once feels pretty similar to the emotions I felt right before childbirth…hopefully it won’t be nearly as painful! Wish us luck 🙂



PS…We’re getting started with the schedule of creative classes for the Fall. If you could, what kind of DIY’s or creative skills would you like to learn in a group setting? Painting, hand lettering, candle making?  I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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