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Ruffled Feathers

Ruffled Feathers

June 29, 2012

Hurray, it’s the weekend! And school’s out…double hurray! We’re already in relaxation mode around here and yesterday consisted of PJ’s until 11am, a trip to the petting zoo and ice-cream cones, meeting friends at the park and staying up far too late. Summer’s off to a great start, I would say! Our son is off to his first full week of overnight camp on Sunday but otherwise the week ahead is looking free and clear of deadlines and obligations. I’ve got a few closets and cupboards to finally tackle but I figure if I empty at least one a day, I should make some good progress. Every so often, when sorting through my recent Pinterest pins, I notice a subconscious trend in images that have caught my eye, like these feathered spaces and tidbits…

Amber Alexander


Imm Living on Design Love Fest

Our Labor of Love on 100 Layer Cake

My sister is pregnant with her first baby and I’m so excited to be an auntie! I feel like my kids are old enough that I’ll really enjoy holding a newborn again and I’m so happy that they’ll all grow up with cousins fairly close in age. I thought the feather mobile above and the swaddling blanket below would be adorable gifts for the nursery and I think my sister would be thrilled to receive something handmade yet not overly babyish or cartoon-themed….

This Little Miggy

Fletcher & Fox

Annaleena’s Hem via Simple Blueprint

Offbeat Bride. Photo by Love Nancy Neil.Small Talk Studio

All Wild Co.

Paper Sparrow


Isn’t that Tolkien print especially gorgeous? I may just have to find a place for it in my home. Our son just started reading The Hobbit (my all time favourite!) and I really hope he loves it as much as I do. What are you up to this Canada Day weekend? Any patriotic parades or BBQ’s on the horizon? We’ll be dropping Gabe off at camp in the evening but will hopefully spend the afternoon at a nearby lake, if the sun comes back out to warm us up. I feel so very lucky to have been born in the true North, strong and free…Happy Canada Day!



PS…Come visit my guest post over at Poppytalk if you’re looking for some outdoor chair inspiration!



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