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Craving Order

Craving Order

June 7, 2012

I hope no one I know was walking by my house after dinner last night because I may or may not have had a few “moments” over the untidy state of our house! My kids have taken full advantage of my distraction over the last month or so of market planning and the piles of stuff that have been continuously shuffled from one place to the next finally took their toll…mommy freak out! My husband wisely headed for the couch while I tackled my daughters’ shared room (the primary trouble zone!) and then cleared out their craft/colouring cupboard. One recycling bag, one garbage bag and one big bag to give away and I feel like a load has been lifted! I had a good chat with my 6 year old (after the dust settled) about how I feel like my brain gets really messy when the rooms around me are messy. Can anyone else relate? I still have a couple more closets and drawers to conquer but I’d love to clear out some more clutter before the weekend. It’s my youngest’s 4th birthday on Monday and I need to make room for new gifts, not to mention getting my house visit-ready for two rounds of friends and family parties!

The Marion House Book. Photo by Kristin Sjaarda.

While it’s no secret that I love colour, there’s something so calming about a neutral backdrop, don’t you think? And while I love looking at minimalist spaces, I also love displaying my treasures and a certain amount of knick-knacks will always be present in my home. I chose to share all of these photos because I think they’re pretty realistic and achievable for everyday life…at least for a few moments when the kids are at school! I’m a big fan of regular purging but it gets very hard to control what comes in once little ones are in the mix. Between birthday gifts, craft supplies, the obscene amount of laundry (and shoes!) one family can have and more, it’s amazing how fast a mountain of clutter can grow. How do you maintain order in your home? Whether you’re single or have a large brood, have quick tips or a life changing list, I’d truly love to know!

Est Magazine. Photo by Georgina Skinner.

Petra Bindel for Elle Interior Sweden via La Maison d’Anna G

Real Simple. Photo by David Prince.Design*Sponge. Home of Annabelle Kerslake of Fete Magazine.

Stellan Herner via SF Girl By Bay

Remodelista via Miss Moss. Photo by David John.

 Better Homes & Gardens

I’m pretty sure that, like most things in life, there’s no magic formula to maintaining an organized home. It all comes down to limiting what comes in and consistently clearing out what’s not being used to it’s full capacity. Easier said than done sometimes but it definitely feels great getting at least a couple of trouble spots under control…for now!

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