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Colour Love: It’s all in the Details

Colour Love: It’s all in the Details

May 8, 2012

Oh dear, I made the mistake of looking at my calendar last night and there are only 17 days until market day, eek! I had a momentary heart palpitation but think I’ll be okay…let’s hope so! Actually, things are feeling pretty organized and the excitement of all of the vendors and everyone else involved is really inspiring! I managed to make a quick trip out to Got Craft? on the weekend where I met up with my friend Janis. We couldn’t get over how much creativity and talent was in one room and we met a lot of new artisans and craftspeople along with a few other great vendors who will be joining Rachel and I at Scout. Creativity is contagious, isn’t it? I came home and brainstormed a few easy DIY’s that I hope to squeeze into the next few weeks and organized my work space…it’s much easier to make things when you have room to work! I think colour is also contagious. After such a long and dreary winter, the more colourful home accents I see, the more I crave! Here are some examples of relatively small details that make big impact…

New York Times. Photo by Russell Gera.

Photo by Janis Nicolay. Design by Nancy Riesco.

Style At Home. Photo by Michel Dube.

Ok, so these tiles aren’t a small decorating detail but aren’t they amazing? I am just in love with that watery emerald green colour …

Claesson Koivisto Rune via The Style Files

Bethany Nauert Photography

Canadian House & Home. Photo by Donna Griffith.

Ikea via Bright.Bazaar

Style At Home. Photo by Stacey Van Berkel-Haines.

Better Homes & Gardens

Looking to add some colour to your space but still want to keep it mostly neutral? I love the subtle addition of the navy blue base cabinets in this otherwise white kitchen…classic but with a fresh twist. Definitely a colour that I would love to see more of in my home!

Apartment Therapy


Budget is always on my mind these days and I love a simple DIY project that’s nearly free…who doesn’t?! Use different shades of leftover paint or discounted mis-tints to coat the inside of glass jars…wouldn’t they make a beautiful centrepiece, grouped and filled with fresh blooms from the garden? Something I’ll definitely be trying soon…well, maybe after May 26th! And just a head’s up that one of our market sponsors, Delish Magazine, will be doing regular features on many of our vendors over the next few weeks. The first two interviews are now live so be sure to check them out here…it’s always so interesting to see what inspires others to create! I think that Delish’s motto, “Make everything with Love“, is perfectly fitting for the weeks to come so I taped their postcard up on my computer to keep me motivated. Do you have any projects on your to-do list, big or small? Please share!

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