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Dark Interior Trim

Dark Interior Trim

February 16, 2011

I’m still feeling a little under the weather with this head cold but I have high hopes that I’ll be able to shake it off within the next couple of days. At least the kids are on the mend…getting a good sleep will be key to reaching 100% on the health-o-meter for this mama!

I was a little worried about what I would post about with such a foggy brain but upon skimming through our growing file of images on Pinterest, I noticed a common theme in many of the spaces that I’ve pinned lately. Dark interior trim. Whether they’re painted wood, industrial steel, or darkly stained, there’s something so finished and dramatic about dark mouldings and doors. Now, I don’t generally wear a lot of makeup, but I do have a personal rule not to leave the house (except to the gym or beach) without eye makeup and I had an interior design professor a couple of years ago who likened dark window trim to eye liner, framing the outside views. That likeness stayed with me and I have to agree. I also prefer dark over light frames for art on my walls, so I suppose it comes down to personal preference. The obvious choice for trim colour in my home and past homes has always been white but after looking closer at some of these spaces, I’m definitely leaning towards the dark side…

Lotta Agaton

Canadian House & Home

Architectural Digest


Canadian House & Home

Not only for ultra modern abodes, industrial steel windows offer crisp lines and opportunities for larger, unobstructed views to the outdoors. There are also some amazing fold-away doors becoming more readily available out there that would be ideal for those summer patio parties. I absolutely love seeing vintage factory windows reused in residential settings like the shower below, or how about this home office’s soaring doors and skylights? Vintage heaven! Mixed with warm woods and plush textiles, the overall look of steel needn’t be cold or clinical…



Andrew Bell

Mixr via French By Design


The most affordable way to switch your own home’s trims from light to dark is by painting them. Time consuming and not for the faint of heart, be sure of your decision before you start! If you’re on the fence, I’d recommend painting only the doors and leaving the surrounding mouldings white. The look will still be dramatic without the commitment of an entire room of trim to repaint if things don’t turn out as planned. Black, charcoal, or even deep navy all look fantastic…what are your thoughts?

Roman & Williams via Shelterpop

Traditional Home via The Enchanted Home

Marie Claire Maison


Well, I’m off to have yet another cup of tea and to rest my weary eyes but I’d love to hear what you think or if you’re already rocking dark trim in your own home…

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